Chapter 1

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For as long as I can remember I've been best friends with Noah Schnapp, Wyatt Oleff and Jaeden lieberher. I know what your thinking. Dont you have Girl friends? Are u lesbian because you only hang out with boys? No and No. I just never really associate with girls. I dress like a girl and I act like a girl. It's just that I've been best friends with the boys since I was 10.

Today was the first day coming back from vacation and work my job at a diner called Pops Chocklit shoppe. I had to show this new guy our drills and how we do things.

I was honestly exhausted from the drive back home and being with Wyatt in a car for 4 hours. I got up and started deciding what outfit I would wear on my first day back. I put on a yellow crop top, ripped mom Jeans, and white converse.

Sadie's Outfit

Sadie's Outfit

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I walked downstairs and Noah handed me my coffee and Jaeden handed me my work hat and my white apron

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I walked downstairs and Noah handed me my coffee and Jaeden handed me my work hat and my white apron. "Thanks guys!" I yelled. And I went to the laundry room and saw Wyatt waiting for me. "Hey" He said and grabbed my waist.
"Heyy" I said and kissed him. We weren't dating it was a no strings attached kinda thing. And no we havent slept with eachother and we dont plan to. It's just kissing. Our kiss deepened and the door knob was rattling.
"Sadie you in there? I need to get my clothes" Noah yelled rattling the knob.
I sighed, kissed Wyatt and, he hid in the bathroom.
"Yeah I'm in here!" I yelled unlocking the door. " I gotta go to work cya later" I said and headed out laughing to myself for leaving Wyatt there.
  What am I doing with Wyatt? It just felt so rebellious and securitive. I guess I just liked the adeline rush. But I knew I needed to end it.

I grabbed my skateboard and rode into the street to pops. Once I got there I put on my apron and hat and went inside to wash my hands. After I came out the bathroom I heard the bell ring and saw a tall guy with curly hair and the most handsome face I had seen. But I didn't like him. I dont like guys based on their looks but more of their personality.
"Were not opened yet" I said politely to the tall handsome stranger.

"Um actually..

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