Chapter 18

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After School


  Jaeden grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back of the school where hardly anybody goes.

  "Jaeden what the hell!? Let me go! What are you doing?" I yelled trying to pull back. I could kick his leg causing him to fall but what would I do afterwards? I just decided to let him drag me to the destination he dragged me to. Once everyone was out of view jaeden let go and faced me.

  "Where the hell were you all night last night? Why were you with Finn? Why were you wearing his jacket, why were you late with him, and why were you holding his hand!" Jaeden yelled grabbing my hand and gripping it tightly.

I starred at Jaeden angrily and horrified but mostly angry that this rush of adrenaline and anger flew throughout my veins.
"How that ANY of your business Jaeden!?" I snapped at him.

"Because were fucking dating! And your out with FINN!" THE PERSON YOU LIKED BEFORE HE DITCHED YOU!" Jaeden yelled back gripping my wrist tighter than before.

"WERE NOT DATING! WERE ON A FUCKING BREAK YOU CALLED! FINNS MOM HAS ALZHEIMER'S AND HE HAD TO TAKE CARE OF HER! BECAUSE HES 10 TIMES MORE THE MAN YOULL EVER BE!" I yelled tears threatening to pour out of my eyes. His grip only grew tighter. My wrist could barley even breathe on it's own. I could see red Mark's already forming around  his grip.
"I'm done with your bullshit Jaeden. Have a nice life." I said trying to po ull my wrist away.
"Wowowo we still have to talk Sadie!" He said pulling me closer. His tone changed into pure anger.
"Let go of me you fucking bastard!" I yelled yanking my arm trying to free my wrist from his grip. I wanted to lunch him in the face but he had my right arm. As I tried pulling free a particular voice made me stop. Jaeden froze as finn stood behind him. He slowly let go of me and turned his head towards finn. He balled his hands into a fist and singed hitting finns face. Finn took action immediately punching Jaeden and making him fall to the ground.

  He continued beating him up. Blood poured out of Jaedens mouth as finn was on top of him.
"Finn! Please stop! STOP!" I yelled pulling him away. I looked at both of them and fled.
"Sadie!" Finn called out running after me. I collapsed on the floor and sobbing my eyes out as finn held me close hugging me in a warm embrace.

Everything was falling apart. My relationship with my boyfriend is falling apart,and I may have feelings for someone who's been out of my life for a year.


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