Chapter 14

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School starts in less than 24 hours. I haven't had a proper conversation with Jaeden. We've mostly been ignoring each other. I guess we're on a break. Jaeden told me that we should considering school is beginning. He said once he adapts or some crap we will go back on resume. I was annoyed but I needed a break too.

   Today we would receive our schedules in the mail. Me and Noah went outside for our schedule in the mail.

Sadies outfit

I ran outside holding Noahs hand dragging him right behind me

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I ran outside holding Noahs hand dragging him right behind me. I opened the mail box throwing any advertising newspapers on the ground. I shuffled around the mail box and Saw 4 perfectly wrapped envelopes. I grabbed them and Noah's hand again and ran into the house.

  "Why are you so excited?! I thought you hated school??" Noah exclaimed as we went to the kitchen.

  "I'm not" I replied simply and grabbed an apple. " I just wanna know what classes we have together" I said eating the apple.
  "Alright" he said with a funny tone.
"Okies. Um. Call the guys. I'll open them" I said.
Noah went upstairs. The sound of groaning and running filled the house. The three of them came down. I immediately noticed Jaeden. Why you may ask? Because he came downstairs fucking shirtless. Duh fuck. He looked hot but... I was still 'mad'.  And we were on a break or whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

  I opened the envelopes as the guys sat down.
"Wyatt you have Math 1st period with Ms. Laynon, 2nd History Mr.Lane, 3rd science Mrs. Jones,4th pe Conoly, English Johnson, criminology Asher.
Jaeden Math Laynon, english......"
And so on. I didnt have any classes with Jaeden. Thank God. I had 3rd 2nd and 5th with wyatt. 1st,4th and 5th with Noah. Also with 5th with Wyatt. Jaeden looked disappointed but he wanted this didnt he not???

   Me and Noah went out by ourselves. Wyatt was growing away from us. Unfortunately. He made more friends at this popular job for highschoolers. I was ignoring Jaeden and Noah was  the only one who hadnt left me. We went to the arcade to have our last night of freedom before entering the gate way to hell humans call school.

  The next day

I woke up to my alarm at 7:00 a.m.  7 fucking a.m. I groaned and clicked snooze. As I started to drift asleep. BAM. My door flew open and I heard screaming.
  "Its the first day of school Hoe! Get up!" Noah yelled.
"Shut the fuck up Noah" I sighed graining and closing my eyes.
That was my body. That. Fell. On. The. Floor. Why? Because of Noah. He pushed me off.
"Ow! What the hell!" I yelled standing up and holding my back.
  "Get changed and be down in 30 minutes." Noah said and went out closing the door behind him. I sighed and walked over to my closet.

 I sighed and walked over to my closet

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I chose ripped mom Jean's, a black crop top, black converse, and curled my hair

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I chose ripped mom Jean's, a black crop top, black converse, and curled my hair. I grabbed my backpack that was filled with all my school supplies.

I went downstairs to see Noah and the rest of the boys

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I went downstairs to see Noah and the rest of the boys. "The car broke down!" Noah yelled throwing the keys on the couch.

  "On the first day of school too!" Wyatt yelled slumping on the couch.

"Hah. Yall gone have to use your bikes" I said grabbing an apple. They all sighed.
We all took a first day of school picture and headed out. I grabbed my skateboard and lead the guy towards school with them on their bikes. I dont get why wyatt didnt Fran his skatebaord. He usually always brings it anywhere like me.

  We arrived and people were looking for their friends hugging and taking pictures. Everyone always Starred at me when I came. The girls would look in disgust because I hang out with guys, have better fashion, and ride a skatebaord. Guys always either stare at my ass or are suprised to see another gender besides theirs ride a skateboard. I was literally the only girl who knew how to. And that brought attention towards me.

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