Chapter 2

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  I woke up feeling so exhausted. After I saw Millie cheat on me with Jacob 4 months ago I haven't brought myself to date a girl. Millies been trying to contact me lately probably because Jacob Saggytitiez dumped her. I honestly just wanted to get today over with.
  I had a new position at a diner at 6:30 so someone can give me an early tour before it opens. It's usually  opened 24/7 but when they hire new people they open at 7:30 am. I got up and I changed into a yellow n white tshirt, some dark blue jeans, and black converse. I made coffee since I remember Millie telling me not to drink it. It was powerful at first but then a started to realize it was really good. I finished my coffee and decided to take my car to work.

  I looked at the diner and it looked really nice and didnt look like those modern diners. I walked inside looking at my left to see if anyone was there and I look to my right and saw a beautiful girl with red hair and majestic blue eyes.

  She looked at me and said politely,         " Were not opened yet!"
  "Um actually...I'm the new recruit"

"Oh sorry um..Hi, I'm Sadie"

"Finn" I said reaching my hand
She looked at it as debating she should shake it or not. She took my hand and shook it.
   "Well let's go get your apron and hat. This way."

  I followed her to the back corner of the diner and she asked me what size I wanted.
   "Always get a size larger" she advised.
     "Large I guess." I said and she handed me a white apron with a couple red stripes on it. She grabbed a random hat and handed it to me. "This should fit"
  I put it on but there were pieces hanging out. She giggled slightly. "Here" she said and tiptoed to fix my hat. Once she was finished she got down to our normal height and we saw that our faces were so close to each other. This is the chance were I got to see her beautiful ocean eyes. We stood there examining each others  eyes and we heard the bell ring.

  " SADIEEEEEEEEEEE" a voice called out for her. She looked annoyed and happy at the same time I couldn't help but smile. She walked towards a guy and he hugged her. Are they seriously dating? He doesnt even look tall.
  "You forgot your phone dum****" He said and handed her a samsung 8. "Crap, thanks bubba" she said and hugged him. He smiled and saw me watching. I waited awkwardly as he whispered to her and she looked at me. Then she punched him in the arm and said, "Finn this is Noah, Noah,Finn. Hes the new recruit I'm supposed to show around."
  "Hey! "
  "Hey" I said annoyed but I didnt put it in my tone. Noah starred at me and said goodbye to both of us.
  "Well let's get to it we have forty minutes left" she declared and took my hand to the register. " So here is well.. you take the orders. But there's one next to each table. You have to see new comers and take their order cause they just sit down, you hand them their menu and serve drinks and then food. Make sure your hands are clean and that no hair sticks out of your hat." She put her long hair in a bun and offered to help me. She stuck all my hair inside and smiled at me. I smiled back and without thinking I started to lean in.


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