Author's Note (will be deleted when next chapter goes up)

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Wow, it's been a while since I've even clicked on this book.

A few months ago, I actually posted a chapter. I don't really remember looking over that one too much - there may be mistakes and plot holes or something in it, but I don't know. I have got quite a bit of support on this book and it's been amazing, but honestly I just haven't had motivation to continue writing.

I will, I know I will. I want to, but I just... y'know, don't know.

Each chapter is still a lot of work, writing about everything that happens and explaining what's going on like a story, even if it closely resembles the game. And people who read this, like you, obviously know what happens in the game, else you wouldn't be here, would you?

But I describe everything anyway, because that's what a story does. It immerses you in its own world, taking you away from the one you're actually in to imagine what's happening to the characters you follow in a world that you don't control. And when I'm reading, a part of me enjoys that lack of control, because I don't have to think of where the story goes next, I get to see where someone else is taking it. The other part of me doesn't, wanting to write what I wanted to happen sometimes.

I mean, what I want to happen only occasionally does, and most of the time, I enjoy the twists, turns and concerns that authors put into their story, giving lows and highs extra boosts. Other times, too many of them can make the book too unrealistic and I lose interest.

I'm not sure what my point is here.

I guess I wanted to say that each chapter requires me to dedicate a lot of time, and I can only write this on my computer because it gives me so many more options and abilities, especially since I'm constantly referencing actual scenes from the game in another tab.

I will finish the book. I won't promise it, because I'm terrified of promises, but it will be finished. I just need some motivation.

A quick 'heads up' I guess, I haven't proofread or checked this over in anyway. I've waffled, I'm aware, but I just wanted people to know I'm still alive.

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