Chapter 1

284 6 10

NOV 5TH, 2038

PM 11:27:41


"I have found Hank," Connor states, "I am currently in his company. We will meet you at the crime scene."

"Alright," I reply simply, leaving the third bar I'd checked that night. I had been assigned to assist with and solve the many deviant cases.

[ Lieutenant Located ]

[ Meet with Lieutenant and Connor at crime scene ]

My 'partners' were another android similar to myself, and an aged Lieutenant, who once was one of the greatest in his field. Climbing back into an autonomous car, it began to drive towards the crime scene I was to rendezvous at with my new 'partners'.

The journey was short and uneventful. I had reached the house before the Lieutenant and android and stood, hands behind my back, idly waiting for their arrival. After the first minute, I decided to attempt to make myself useful, retrieving a quarter from my suit-jacket's pocket. Without much effort, I made the coin spin atop my fingers, rolling upright across my knuckles, passing it between either hand and other 'tricks'. While my brain still racked through databases, trying to get more information on who the victim may be, I also eavesdropped on officers with the same objective.

It appeared that the victim had been dead for a while, leaving his corpse in a rather undesirable state, his residence in a similar state. The man, as I had also discovered, had a criminal record of crimes that would arguably have made the world a better place without him, and neighbours stated that he hardly left his abode. It appeared that not many may miss the man, however the case was still a murder, involving an android, most likely a deviant, and so is still a crime, whether or not 'righteous'.

Without too much more delay, a car drove up to the crime scene, stopping a few metres to my left. Scanning the number-plate, I recognised the car to belong to my new 'partner', Lieutenant Hank Anderson, and when shifting my gaze to the inside of the vehicle, I noted both his and the RK800's presence. Catching the coin between two fingers, I pocketed it and focused my attention upon the arriving party.

The door opened, allowing me to analyse the lieutenant with more detail as he stepped out of his car. He appeared aggravated, showing signs of an addiction to alcohol and a lack of self care, whether caused by his alcoholic tendencies or perhaps another mental illness, I was unable to specify. Taking into account his current mood, I tried to shift my greeting.

"Good evening, Lieutenant. I am aware you most likely do not want to be here-"

"What, you and the other tin can telepathic or something?"

Discarding his comment, I remained professional, "My name is (Y/N). I am the android sent by CyberLife to assist both you and the RK800 with your investigations into cases of deviation."

"Oh good, there's two of you." He concluded sarcastically. Brushing me off, he walked through the synthetic police tape while I waited for the detective model to catch up. Some journalists harassed Hank, but he quickly dismissed them without causing any trouble. Connor had left the car and was almost by my side within this short period of time.

[ Met with Lieutenant and Connor at crime scene ]

[ Assist with investigation ]

Nodding in greeting to the android and receiving a similar gesture in return, I advanced towards the crime scene to be interrupted by another android. A simple police assistant model, performing his 'job'.

Two of Them? // Detroit: Become Human Fanfiction - Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now