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After what look like ages we finally made it to his house. One word that describe the place was beautiful, magnificent, awesome ....ok I got it not one word it actually can't be described. As we step out of the car I saw an old lady standing there with two men's who were in uniforms not that of an officer a normal uniform of Butler , I looked around and it was so beautiful , flowers and plants , as if this man has his whole world around this , I always new he loved planting , this was  one of the  thing we shared in likeness and common.

"You want to come in or not" I hear him saying his voice was soft this time , my smile dropped and I nodded

"Hi , Samantha I am maria , the house keeper head for past five years" the old lady introduced her self.

I hugged her "I am please to meet you " I reply while parting from her , when I looked at her face she was in shock  I raised my eyebrow and she just smiled .

She showed me the room next to Liam's as he made it very clear to every person in this house that he is not comfortable in sharing same room until he get to know me, well feeling was mutual.

As I entered the room , first thing that caught my eyes was it was black and grey something liam liked a lot , even at his parent's place his room was same

I ran to maria "maria are you sure that room is mine?" I asked her
"It belongs to liam , dear but he asked me to put your belongings there , he said it would be difficult for you to sleep in one of the guest room's bed , they aren't as comfortable as his bed , he told me you prefer soft mattresses rather than hard" she finished and a small smile escaped my face

No matter how uncivilized we are with each other, he silently treat me with care

I went back and this time I inspect  his room properly   , the room was one large one , it was master of the master bedroom I guess , if that even make sense...........

There were his business awards placed then at the side was a double door , i went near door and opened it and there was a room size walk in closet and also another door within it that shows the washroom
'This man is still obsessed with his childhood fantasy of room inside room , such a child' I thought , I locked the double door and turn to see him sitting at the edge of bed
"I am giving you my room , but I won't be taking out my belongings from here , that include my clothes too , I will ask one of the maids to make space in closet for you and I would be using the same washroom" he said looking at me
I again just nodded to him as my reply
' Silent treatment ' I hear him
Don't get me wrong its not my silent treatment , it is even worse its just that if one of us just shut mouth it is better to survive because  as soon as we open are mouth we end up yelling and shouting like mad people , may be its better this way.

He crosses me to the double door and went to shower , I open my suitcase and started searching for clothes for my work , when I hear a knock
"Come.." I was cut in my in when door burst open and here my best friend cum sister in law came crashing into me...... She has no patients
"Sam tell me , tell me every detail , what happened at honeymoon , did you both do some naughty or were you both just shy ????? Come on spit it out" she was over excited man

"You seriously want to know what your brother did with your best friend , like seriously details?" We turn around to see Liam  with a smirk on his face as he finished his little lie

"Ewwww, I didn't mean to know that,, yukkk now I just don't want to imagine" I hear her saying disgustedly and it made me laugh not even a second I was joined by Liam

"You two morons" she screamed haha this was the only reason I always annoy her because when ever she is annoyed she screams and not to forget she hit floor with her heels....... Childish

"Oh I all most forgot " she said and went outside and came with a big piece of cardboard
"Tadaaa" she screamed excitedly and turned the cardboard

What came in view was mesmerizing it was a collage of our wedding in the middle was this photo of our which must have been taken while we were dancing we were engrossed in each others eyes

"This is amazing" my voice surprised me and I put my hand over my mouth

"You don't have to love , we are amazing" he said leaning over to me and kissed my forehead to be shocked was understatement I don't understand his act

Ohk wait..... We have to act in front of our family ..........

I get it , very clear now

"Good bye" I said smiling
" I Will be  a little late today , bye" he said closing the door

I gave  Alison gift that I bought for her , we didn't catch up today but decided Sunday would be our friends date as I was running late for work.
I  enter into cafe and my staff was standing there , with my staff I mean whole 50 people who work with me were there standing and waiting with a big banner in their hand which ironically state ' Happy Married Life Ahead' I smiled and hugged each and every one of them I thanked them for their gratitude towards me and we started working .
"Sam, Mr Evans is is here for the meeting" my secretory Leah informed me, I asked her to bring him in.

I was nervous for this meeting , we were good at work , at the backside of cafe was a banquet that I rented for functions and catering for those events was done by us , they were generally birthday parties and small family functions , but his was huge it was to be turned into a kind of ball room for his charity function and I decided to contribute in it by making the catering service free for guest.

"Well morning , Miss Samantha its pleasure to meet you" his voice came from the door as I looked up from my file I was looking at
"Morning to you too, Mr Evan" I said while shaking his hand

Well meeting went well , and also the testing and tasting of food was good , the deal got final and I was beyond happy as out of happiness I gave a small treat to my staff by baking special donuts of our cafe with my own hands, well I am the only one who bake them here .

It was 8 at night when I reached home and saw Liam's car being parked at driveway , I entre in and went straight to room  and closed it , its better to avoid each other , also I was full , I ate at cafe  so I went to sleep.

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