Chapter 31 ESCAPE?

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I looked around in this complete dark room
"I can't ...I can't believe Ravina did this...she is not that bad" Caleb told me.

"Until and unless its me" I mocked.
I still don't know who the fuck is after me , he comes every day giving me food , and somehow I find his voice similar , like I have heard it before somewhere..

"She truly , loves you" he said whispering
"Oh..well I guess I am blind " I know he is covering for her, but I can't stop my sarcasm .

The door flew open and the man came inside
"Ohh ... Look love , you haven't eaten yet come I will help you"
He said
"Who are you , and why are you after me?" I yelled at him

"You seriously want to know , because I am dying to tell you" he said coming close to me
"Stay away from her " Caleb yelled at him.

"Oh.. God what the fuck is your problem?" The man shouted at him lunging towards Caleb

I found that right time and hitted his head with a rod that I found few hours ago , while stretching my legs.

"What the fuck...." He stopped apparently he fell on his knees and then face

"We need to run"
"There are men outside Samantha , atleast let's tie him first"

We completely tied him up and I went near his face .
"What are you doing?"

"I am want to see who he is"
I opened his mask and a gasp escape my mouth ....

I just can't believe this... How , why ?? O don't understand ... And tears started flowing off my eyes

"Do you know him?"
I just nodded

"He was .....

Liam's POV

We were all sitting at police station and after hearing about Ravina's side I felt bad for her , her husband was being kidnapped and the person who kidnapped used her husband to get to Sam.
But still it pissed me off
How could she

" they blackmailed me" she said to police

"What?" He asked
"The night before she got kidnapped , they send me  pictures , few was of Caleb And then there was a picture of....of.. Sam and ... Me , they have been looking after me , they even send me a picture of my son Jason , while he was sleeping in my room" she cried her heart out.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know  , he never showed me his face , he just called me after kidnapping Caleb "

"All I know is he was obsessed with Sam , I told Sam to tell about kidnapping to Liam , but I guess she didn't and then I got scarred "

"Fuck.... " realization dawned me that was why she was distant that night

"We at least have a lead now , mam we need the numbers he called you from" police informed us

I haven't looked at my work , I haven't eaten all I want is her ... I remember the morning before it happened how happy we actually were

My phone rang and I looked at time it was 2 at morning


"Liam , you need to come fast "

I immediately left for his house
As soon I reached the gates I saw police cars standing there and I ran inside to come across everyone sitting at couch , Ravina was tugged around a man
"Is.. Is Sam with you?" I asked knowing he was Caleb

Every one turn up to me
"You must be liam"
I now closely look at man, he was badly beaten up and bruised , blood dripping out of his lips , someone has badly torched him and my mind drifted back to Sam.

"Where is she?"
"Mr Stone calm down"
"How can I calm down"
I yelled at officer

"I am sorry" I turn to look at man or rather I should say Caleb


"I ...I tried to escape with her... The men was behind us and one of them shot gun , which got stuck in her leg... I tried to reason her to come , I was ready to carry her , she just forced me to go and inform police , she said 'if one of us get caught here atleast other one can inform police '"

"So you basically left my wounded wife there?" I yelled holding his collar

"Liam leave him.... She was the one who dragged us in this"

"Seriously Ravina ? What was your problem?" I turn to look at Caleb who shouted at her

"She was not the only one ,officer my background belongs to mafia , my father is a part of OMERTA and I didn't chose to be , the man who kidnapped us said to me that he will hand me to them as fast as possible because when ever he was trying to go near Samantha I was yelling and pissing him off"

The only thing my mind grasp was whenever he was coming near her...

"Can you help us with man's sketch?" The officer asked

"Oh.. Samantha she knew the guy , we actually he lunged over to attack me when Samantha hit him from behind , we tied him up and Samantha when removed his mask she said
She knew him.. His name .."

"Max?" Alison interjected , when did she came here?

"No... It was.. Wait... He was tall.. And had this tattoo over his neck and around his shoulder"

Suddenly I felt sick in my stomach .... I had only seen one person with it

"Dragon and fire?" I asked him
"Yeah" he immediately said to me


Hey guys I uploaded on a special request , though this first draft and not edited.. So do forgive me for any kind of mistake

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