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This chapter is specially dedicated To all those who have vote and gave my book a chance. kritikaraj111 and Ritsi4479 for taking there precious time for reading my book.


Sam hasn't called or messaged me yet ... I was getting really agitated with this. I tried to call her but she wasn't picking up my call or messages....

It was 5 and I decided to go home and check on her.
As I enter house marry was preparing food for us
"Ohh... You came early, want to have something?"

"No marry , will you tell me where is Sam , she is not picking up my call" I told her

"No... She has gone out , for long now..."
I looked at her in confusion...

Turning on my heels I called Mason and ran towards my car , I should check the mall

"Hey Mason , will you check at home and inform me , weather Sam is there or not , she said she would be meeting Ravina today"

"No.. She is not here , I am at home only and ... Oh... Waitet me ask Ravina she went out few hours ago"

Liam was still driving
"She said Sam didn't came there , when she went to meet , she wasn't picking up her call also"

I felt numb ... And my car came to sudden stop with a sound of screeching...


She messaged me she reached there....
Where is she

She should have called me...

"She messaged me , that she reached the mall" I said more to my self than to Mason..

"Liam we should tell the cops"
"I am going at mall , to check her "

After I reached mall parking , I saw her car being parked there

"What the.."
She is here than why didn't she met Ravina?



Ughhh its likey head is on fire .... Fuck it is paining as hell.....

Ughhh , I  .... Wait .... Where the fuck I am?

"You up?" I hear a strange voice coming from my left, I turn to look at a male figure sitting just few feet away from me... His hands and legs were tied ..... Well just like mine.

"Where are we?" I asked him
"Hi I am Caleb " ignoring my question he answered me

Caleb ...
Where have I ....
"Wait .. Are..are you ravina's husband?" I screamed at him

"Yes.... Do you ... Fuck you are Samantha her sister"
"How the fuck did you landed here?" He asked , his tone irritated and annoyed.

"I... I don't remember"

"Fuck , are you all right?" With that I saw him removing his knots and walking towards me
"How does.."

"They don't know , I have already open my ropes , I am sorry and I don't know how you landed here , but I promise you are safe here with me" I saw sincerity in his eyes

Nodding silently he helped me in losing my ropes , he told me that we are stuck in here until , we come back with a plan

After a while there came another male figure in darkness.
I could tell he was tall , and looked familiar

He came near me and I realised he was wearing a mask.
"Don't touch her" I hear Caleb shouting at him , as he try to touch my shoulders

"Or what?" The man's voice was muffled.
"I will kill you , you scumbag"

"Oh trust me , I had a deal and I can't kill you , but I promise as soon as I handle you to OMerta I will be more than happy , till then reunite your family drama" he said looking at Caleb.

"And you my love , you are mine" He said in muffled voice .

Hey guys I know this one is short but my exams are approaching and I am trying my best to keep you people update , with my chapters


Signing out

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