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I noticed his face when I start cleaning his wounds on lips and all I saw was anger, rage his eyes shows no emotion except of anger

"Thank you" I politely thanked him for whatever he did today at the bar
"Seriously?" He looked at me with a lot of sarcasm in his voice mixed with irritation , anger

I raised my right  eyebrow and looked at him

He tightly grabbed my shoulders and his act cause me to scream out of pain
"Its hurting liam  leave me" I yelled at him

"Why you always have to be like this Samantha why?" He yelled at me while shaking my shoulders

"What do you mean?" His hold was causing me a lot of pain and I was sure it is going to leave bruises over the spot

"What kind of a married lady goes out wearing clothes that begs for men's attention" he shouted he was so close to me that I could smell alcohol in his breathe

I looked at him in disbelief before I could say something he again start yelling at me

"What kind of women goes on the dancefloor and start dancing like you were?" He again shouted

"What the hell is wrong with you Liam" I yelled at him as I try removing his hands from my shoulders , with every word his grip on me was tightening

"What is wrong with me? You tell me what the hell do you want ? I saw him with you at our reception and now today and then you taught me the lesson about not cheating , it has always been you" he shouts and this time he yanked me on head of the bed
"Ahh " I groan in pain

"You know Samantha whenever , whenever I try to take a step , you always end up making me think of my own decision , you like it doesn't you?" He yelled and I looked at him

"You like it when men gives you there attention , you fucking enjoy them , you like making me angry you enjoy every time I break my heart " he yelled

To be honest I was running low of words I wasn't able to even think or properly listen what he was saying

All I did was stare at him in disbelieve

Then realization hit me what the

"How dare you judge my character?" I yelled at him

"Who the hell do you think you are to judge me ?" I shouted at him

His look was taken a back I could see anger again getting their way into his eyes

Before he could react I again started yelling " you know what , its not your problem , its every man out there, they think that if a girl is wearing something short it is to attract them to fuck with you all , a girl dress because she loves to dress that way because she loves wearing that dress, you get that  to make herself happy not the world out there and this think can never get into thick brain of all the men out there , its not just you Liam its every shit of a man who think so low and live in their own so called world" his look was taken aback

He looked at me and his emotions changed the anger was replaced with regret , apology, realization and I don't understand what other stuffs...he suddenly masked them

And headed towards door and went out of my room

I was left there alone crying , I cried and I don't understand the fucking reason

I never realized when I sleep that night
I wake up and liam wasn't at home

It has been almost two weeks and he never showed up Alison informed me that he was out of country for some business

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