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After what happened we ate our dinner in silence and if someone looks at me right now they will bet on the fact that I cried like hell....

I got scolded by everyone , well except of Liam
He isn't even looking at me right now to talk is on another level..

My whole eyes are red and puffy
Alison told both of them what happened and everything

I get a warning from both Alison and mason to not try something like this ever again...

Currently we four are sitting near fire and mason and Liam are having their bear bottles well I tried to stay away from alcohol!!! Even they are sticking to one bottle today...
No one wants to get drunk tonight

Except of Liam the other two are normal to me and to be honest Its pissing me he isn't talking to me..

Also he isn't looking at me
But I am more pissed of to the fact that why the hell is this effecting me????

I steal glances to see him and he is just ignoring me.....

"I will leave .. Am not feeling well" I announced and started getting up
The pain in my leg is now increasing I don't think its just a sprain....

As I try to get up I winced in pain and at the very same time I felt someone's arms around my waist

Well you know its liam so yup Liam looked at me his eyes were straight on mine and his face showing zero emotions

He then placed his another hand beneath my thigh pulling me up in bridal state
His touch brought a lot of emotions in me
I don't know how much of emotion I am currently feeling but the best of them is secured and comfort in his arms

"Dude don't be so romantic in front of me ...  She is my sister .. Go inside"

"Oh shut up , this is so cute"
"How can you watch your brother romancing isn't it gross??"

"Shut up mason"
I felt blood rushing down on my cheeks  I bet I am red as a tomato right now

Liam shake his head at their child like fights and took me in his arms towards our tent

As we enter inside he carefully placed me on mattress and help me removing my shoes

Well he removed the shoes and I just looked at his handsome face while sitting there ...

I am feeling things for him I  know that but I am not ready to accept it ....

The way he smell , I can actually smell his body call me maniac or insane women but I can smell his natural fragrance and hell it arouse me sometimes

What the fuck am I thinking???

I shake my head and look at him

"We would be going to doctor tomorrow , its swelling " he said without looking at me his eyes were on my legs examining it

He then looked straight into my eyes and slowly came near me sitting besides  and facing me

I felt my heart throbbing like it just wants to get out of my chest and jump into his...

He slowly put his hand on my cheeks and another one behind my back and came more close to me

He put his forehead over mine and shut his eyes , I was sitting there all dumb looking at my handsome man as he closed our distance and by touching his nose to mine his eyes were still shut

His grip on my waist tightened enough to show that he was being holding me and never letting me go

He sigh "please " he pleaded his eyes still shut
I could feel his breath over mine
He was trying to calm his temper down

"Please , don't do that again , I am begging you " he said
And guilt filled my emotional mind

"I am scarred of losing you Samantha stone , I am scared of losing you , I got another chance with you I can't let it go"
He said still his eyes shut
And my eyes being wide  I don't get even a single thing he said

Okay a few of his emotions I registered like today whatever happened he was worried about me , he cares for me

He again sigh
"I am not regretting what I am going to do now , because I may have drink but I am sobber"
Before I could register his words

I felt his soft lips on mine his hand on my waist tightened and his palm went to my hair pulling it into a fist

It wasnt a passionate kiss but it was enough for me to forget what was going on all I felt was his lips moving with mine ....

It was like fire inside me and I wanted to kiss him more

This kiss was enough to let me know that he wants to feel my presence that I am safe and with him....

He may not express his feelings but he truly cares for me....

We got separated when we felt we need to breathe to live

And he opened his eyes and awkwardness took over both of us
Okay .... Next what?

After two minutes
He said "you need rest Samantha"
He push me down on mattress covered me with the quilt and went outside
I closed my eyes and tried to sleep
After what looked like 20-30 minutes

I felt someone's lips on my forehead
"Good night Mrs stone" I hear it
But kept my eyes closed
He wrapped his hands on my stomach and soon I hear his snores "Good night Mr Stone" I whispered  and soon sleep took over me...

...... . .....

Mr. and Mrs.STONEWhere stories live. Discover now