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I guess his cheeks are red , oh wait... He ... Mr Liam Stone is blushing........I can't believe my eyes.....

"Are you blushing?" I asked teasing him
And he turned his face towards door
"No" he replied

"Yes, you are, I can see those red cheeks"
What the hell is wrong with my tongue man , it gas got its own mind....

I see as he turned around and slowly take step towards me

With every step of his my heartbeat fasten , as if both of them have synchronized

"What if I am"
He replied while leaning towards me , and the flashback of the night at tent came back

I felt my cheeks becoming red
And a satisfied grin plastered his face

"I am true to my words , though" he said bringing some space between us
And I felt my heart relaxing

I looked at him in confusion , unable to process his words

"About helping you" he replied to my confused expression

I raised my right eyebrow at him
"Seriously?"  My voice has suddenly become flirty , fuck voice you should have told me

I seriously don't know where the fuck is my brain because the flirty devil in me is taking over .....

I am embarrassed man....

"Seriously" he said in a flirting tone
Okay this is getting somewhere else

"What if I don't want your help?"
I said trying to change the topic and atmosphere that has suddenly surround us

He bend down , holding my chin in his palm and rubbed my lower lips with his thumb his eyes fixed over his thumbs action or on my lips.....

" you sure , about not taking my help" he said eyes still not leaving my lips and his sudden seductive voice melting me

I find myself being dumb suddenly , my tongue is not bringing the voice out

Well I don't know what to say , his eyes are saying he is up to something else .....

"Yes" I said
My answer grabbed his attention and he snap his eyes to look into mine, his eyes were bright as light and amazement was all over written on them .

"Yes" he mimic my answer

"Yes , I don't need your help" I elaborate it
And his face showed disappointment , which he hid immediately

"Fine , wait for 2 o'clock then" he said shrugging his shoulders

He went near the door
"Such a mood killer" to himself , to his disappointment I heard it

But didn't say anything.

"Which one?" He asked

"Ummm.... You decide" 

Mr. and Mrs.STONEWhere stories live. Discover now