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By the time I had woken up in the morning he was gone. I did not realise when I had fallen asleep last night but it had happened, and it had been in his presence and that is embarrassing. I did not know what I do during the time that I am asleep. Do I snore? Do I drool? Do I do both at the same time and do I not know it. Either one would be just as embarrassing as each other. I just hope he is not thrown off by me. Wait. Why do I care what he thinks of me suddenly?

This is odd and I do not know exactly how to feel about it. But it feels okay, I guess. He is a nice person when he wants to be and I just hope that he wants to be one, for the sake of me and him getting along with each other. The bedroom door suddenly opened, and Mark walked inside holding an envelope. "Taeyong, I got something for you-" He stopped when he saw me laying in the bed. "Oh, y/n, why are you in Taeyong's bed?" He raised an eyebrow suspiciously at me.

"He told me what happened, and I didn't feel safe in my old room, so he brought me in here for the night..." I looked down to the floor and frowned. I hope he did not think that we did anything else because we did not, all we did was talk and that was it. But you could never tell with Mark, he was confusing in a way, you could never tell what he was thinking and feeling.

"Don't worry it's all okay y/n, but do you know where Taeyong has gone to?" I shook my head and looked around, slightly nervous. "No, he was gone when I woke up." He sighed and nodded, turning around as he began to walk out of the room. "Just tell me if you see him at all today, Okay?" I nodded and rubbed my temples.

He walked out of the room and left me to my own thoughts, and I was in fact curious to where Taeyong had gone to. He could not have gone too far, couldn't he? I slowly climbed out of the bed and took a few cautious steps towards the door to close it. Yet as soon as I did, a cough came from behind me, making me jump. As I turned around, there he stood, in a towel. He was completely wet, signalling he had just got out of the shower.

"I-I'll go." I could not help my stutter as I opened the bedroom door and ran out and all the down the hall and into the one, I had been in since my arrival. Even though I did not quite like this room much, I could not just stay in a room with him while he was like that. I doubt it was comfortable for him either. We barely even know each other, you see. But what I think he was talking about was that he would like to get to know each other more.

I felt my heart flutter. My heart flutters. No. I cannot feel like this for Taeyong, I just cannot. We have different lives, different lifestyles. And I do not even think he would like me this. It is just impossible, and I am done with it, I really am. I must leave soon, and I do not want anyone to know that I have gone. Not even Mark and he has been nothing but kind to me since I got here.

Today, it must be today that I leave. While they are out at dance practice is when I will slip out. But there is one thing missing, I do not know who is going to the dance practice. Is it all of them? Or only a sub-unit? All I know is that I hope it is Taeyong. Please be Taeyong. If he finds out that I was trying to leave then he would probably tie me up to the bed leg again and just leave me there.

I need to get out of here, I just feel trapped and I do not like it. I want to go home and just stay there for as long as I can. I do not want anyone to come to find me, I just want to be there and relax as I have always done when I am at home. The feeling of my familiar surroundings around me would be the best feeling that I have felt in a while and I truly do miss it.

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