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Practise ran for a while before we had all became completely exhausted from everything. My eyes drooped as I slumped down against the glass, I was so tired but I couldn't help it. Having to do dance practise didn't exactly help my case with trying to stay awake. I could barely keep them open as they slowly fell shut. Before I dozed off to my peaceful slumber, I opened them a final time and I saw his warm pools of eyes. Oh how they called out to me.

I woke up in a forest, lush green leaves surrounded me into their warm and welcoming arms. "Y/n..." Came a small and frail voice from within the distance, yet it was familiar. Who was it? I rose from the small comfort that I had in this mysterious area and followed the source of the sound. It kept calling my name but I couldn't place who's voice it was. Though I continued to search for them, yet it was useless.

Where were they?

Why could I see them? My head spun as I grew dizzy from the constant twists and turns that I had to endure from this search. I needed to find them. I knew that for sure, as I must escape this island, heck I didn't even know where this island was. What if I never get found and nobody notices that I've gone missing and I just stay here trapped on this island? I couldn't live with myself.

Nobody will ever know what had happened to me and I'll just end us as one of the many people who go missing each year and nobody bothers to find them. "Y/N..." It calls again. This time the voice was different, the tone had completely changed as they instead had a deeper voice. I got up once more and continued to run until I was met by the horrifying prospect of a cliff. It had a waterfall running down it, trickles of water ran down the side of it, making the thirst rise within my throat.

My head snapped to the side as I saw the hooded figure standing there, yet I could feel their eyes staring intensely at my figure. I was scared. Even though I didn't have the joy of being able to see their eyes, it didn't stop me from feeling threatened and terrified from what they could simply make me feel from this intense stare.

"Who are you?" My words came out shakier than I had imagined them to be, yet right as when they went to remove the hood from their head, I was woken up.

I was in someone's arms as the car had stopped outside of the manor. But I made no movement, they were too comfortable and I felt as if I could just stay within their arms forever. If only. As soon as I had grown comfortable and sought the comfort of their touch more and more, I was ripped away from them. Who were they? I tilted my head to the side and saw Taeyong looking at me with a raised eyebrow while he clambered out of the car and sorted himself out. "Take her inside and put her in the living room." His voice was not a request, it was a command.

The person who had been holding onto me nodded and did as he was told by his leader. The person who had in fact been holding onto me so tightly was Jaehyun. He didn't look down at me at all as he walked up and into the house, setting me down on the sofa. "Thank you..." My voice had faltered as I was still shocked from the sudden ending of the dream. He smiled slightly down at me. Though as soon as he turned his back to me, he was gone.

How could one guy move that fast? Nobody knows. My back rested against the sofa cushions as I tried to get as comfortable as I possibly could. Taeyong walked through the door, you didn't even have to see him come in to know that it was actually him, you could just here it in the stride with the sound of the steps that he took. They held a certain element of power in them. That's something that I admired about him. He held all of the power in the world within his hand.

He entered the living the room and our eyes met each other for a moment before parting ways again. I didn't understand why he looked at me with such ferocity, liked I was a meal that he was going to devour. At the same time, it thrilled me. I didn't know what this pull I had towards him was. But I knew that I didn't mind it at all. Taeyong sat down beside me and turned on the television, instantly putting on Netflix as he put on a k-drama. I didn't know he liked these?

Of course, he was full of surprises, so I should get better at masking my surprise as he quickly caught the look of shock on my face. "What?" He raised an eyebrow at me, clearly wanting to know the answer to why I looked at him like that. "N-Nothing." I shook my head and immediately looked down at the floor. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. Why did I have to blush? This was so embarrassing. "Y/n, you're blushing, why?" Was that even a question.

I turned away from him and grabbed a pillow, instantly shoving my head into it. "Y/n." His voice was much more commanding than it had been only a few seconds ago and I couldn't help but obey what he said. I shook my head once more as I attempted to focus on trying to live down this blush that had only been slowly increasing more and more as time went on.

"Y/n, look at me." He lifted my head from the pillow and practically forced me to look at him.


"I love you."

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