Chapter 7- Expectations

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Julia's P.O.V

I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of Special K cereal. I sit down and scarff it down, I've been working out plus a diet to lose a little itty bitty more weight. I hate it, plain and simple! I have to run everyday and I can't go out and eat. I've been so busy lately with this new photoshoot for Justin Bieber's new song 'As Long As You Love Me' and apparently I'm supposed to be his love interest. He's nice and all, and I'm glad he came all the way to London just to have me in his photoshoot, but, the whole lovey-dovey stuff is killing me. Only one more day I remind myself and then I have a cover to do. Of course, I've been packed the one time I need time to myself.

I haven't talked to Louis like planned and I'm not happy about that, I literally have no friends right now. I guess you could say I've pushed away everyone that meant something. Out with old in with the new? No. I need Sandra, so out with the old other than Sandra and in with the new? Yeah, that makes more sense.

It's been 2 weeks since the night Louis and I planned to meet, one of us will ask 'are you free now?', 'nope, recording.' or 'nope, modeling' we get so caught up in our jobs I can't even make a friend! We both decided we would meet on Sunday because we are both free, but it's only Thursday. I have one more day with Justin and then I have to do a cover for some American magazine I think called Seventeen on Friday and Saturday.

I walk into the living room in my light grey sweatpants and a white tanktop, throwing on a thin jumper. It's a creamy color so it matches still. What I love about being a model is, you don't need to look good. You get there looking lazy or average and they make you look like perfection. It's quite amazing.

I walk out of my flat, locking the door behind me, and jogging to the car. I quickly get in and turn on the radio. I hear Louis' band come on, I guess I turned it on at the right point, this beautiful voice comes on, music cut out, so all you hear is this angelic voice, deep, deep, deep, angelic voice.

'Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way you flip your hair it gets overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know, oh-oh,

You don't know you're beautiful!'

Catchy, very catchy song. Or should I say catchy, very catchy deep voiced boys voice. I will have to have ask Louis what he looks like..

He better be cute.. Wait! Nope! We're in the car! No distractions. Don't think about the possibly really fit boy with the beautiful voice. Don't think about it...

I pull into the giant building with too many windows. By too many I mean it's cover in them! Literally! I get out with my brown purse and throw my keys inside of it. I show the guards my keycard and walk in straight to the elevator. I go up to the 7th floor, this will be a long day..


Today, I started my new cover for Seventeen Magazine. They decided they also wanted me to write about how I felt about the whole Andrew thing. They also informed me it's a growing topic in the US. Fuuuunnn.

For my cover, I wore this white blouse that ties at the bottom, showing a small amount of my stomach. I'm also wearing shorts from this place called Abercrombie and Fitch. They don't have that here.. They are comfy though.. I have a bright blue backgroud, that I got to pick! My favorite color!

I talked to Louis today on the phone and he told me that they have been recording a lot and he needs time away from it, so he can't wait to come and talk to me. I've such a bad last 2 weeks I need it.


Today, I wrote my article on how I felt when Andrew cheated on me to help other girls get through it. I'm supposed to teach them how to deal with the pain, feel better, but, I'm not even over it yet..  How can you help someone with math if you don't know how to do it yourslef? That's kinda like the situation I'm in.

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