Chapter 11- This Is It

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Julia's P.O.V

Louis and I are walking to Starbucks together, he's been going on and on about random stuff. I gave up on keeping up a few minutes ago.

"So you think that's a good idea?" Louis says, making me realize he's talking to me.

"Wait, do-over! Repeat please!" I chuckle waiting for him to repeat what he said, but he just ignores me, "Louis? Louiiiisss? Helllo? You alive? LOUIS!" I exclaim, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Hmm, yeah? What?" Louis looks at me, "Sorry wasn't listening."

I narrow my eyes at him with a deadly glare," I was asking you to tell me what your idea was!"

"So you were listening to that much?"

"Yes.." I trail off feeling a bit guilty.

"Well, I was saying, we want to use you as a model of One Direction some time?" He asks nervously, what is he thinking? I'm not going to say no..

"No. Plain no." I look at him seriously.

He stops all of the sudden and gets on both knees, looking at me.


I start to laugh hilariously, "Louis! I was kidding! Calm down! Sure!"

Louis sighs in relief,"I actually believed you there.. You scared me! But, there's one more thing.."

I look at him waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Can we, uh, have a discount? You're kind of expensive love."

I chuckle,"Yeah sure, how much?"

"Well, we're trying to convince our manager to let us use ONLY you.. So pretty cheap?"

"I'm flexible on this Lou! Give me a price!"

"Let's say 10,000 for the day?" He smiles at me nervously.

"Make it 8!" I smile widely at him before punching him the arm.

"Wow, Julia, YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!" Louis screams in the morning air.

"Hey, shush! Don't wake anybody up doofus." I scold, walking up to the Starbucks and opening the door and holding it for Lou. I'm such a gentlemen!

Lou and I walk up to the counter looking at the menu sceptically, I'm planning on trying something new. I'm just not sure what though.

"You make a funny face when you think." Louis points out, out of the blue.

"Well thanks, I'll be sure to make that face in every photo for you lads!" I joke back before looking at the barista ready to order.

"I'll have a grande hot chocolate, no whipped cream please." I smile at him. Then, look at Louis, expecting him to order.

"Oh! I'll have the same." I take out my wallet and hand him 10 pound note.

"Thank you", I say before collecting my change and putting the pence in the tip jar.

I sit down at a table near the back, waiting for my name to be called for our drinks.

"You know, I could have paid love." Louis says sitting down also.

"Nope, it's fine. You guys will be paying me later anyway!" I smile at him before hearing my name called.

"2 hot chocolates for... Uh? Glen Coco?"

I happily skip up to where you pick the drinks and grab them shooting a wink at the waiter.

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