Chapter 65

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Maya's POV

I fell to the bed in exhaustion after a long day of taking care of 2 children. This is the happiest i had been since i recently gave birth to my baby. Ebony. She was a handful but it was worth it, after fighting through depression from the long drawn out pregnancy i had I began to mend my broken relationships with my family.


I was awoken out of my sleep when I heard the sound of my ringtone filling Harry and I's room. I sat up in confusion when my moms name popped up on my screen. What could she possibly want? I answered the phone quickly in a rush to get back to sleep.
"What" I questioned bluntly remembering all the times she had judged me.
"We need to talk, its important" my mom said.
"What could be important enough for you to be calling at 3 am." I asked in frustration.
"I want to talk face to face about our situation. I want to make our relationship work, Im tired of you hating me." She said with emotion.
"Well i wouldnt hate you if you didnt judge my every move. I dont know if we can talk, Im just not in the mood for your bullshit." I spat out.
" Please just hear me out, im a changed person and I have a explanation for my actions I feel is worth hearing" She begged.
"I dont know, there is no reason why you should treat your daughter like scum. I will have to think about it." I said
"Please do, i really want us to be a family again." She said
"Alright i have to go" i said in a hurry to hang up.

Flashback Ended

After i had told Harry about what my mom had called me about he suggested I go. Claiming that " Maybe this will ease your nerves amd make you happy again". It had but I felt she was undeserving along with all the rest of my family. But i gave them another chance, and hopefully they dont blow it again.
I remember the day I seen her. The look in her eyes made me feel bad for her.


I walked up to my mother after a long drive to this old cafe.
She instantly brought me into a hug that brought me to tears. I hadn't felt her arms around me in months and it brought back memories of the old us. I looked her in tear filled eyes and knew she was genuine.
" My baby. Maya, I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or your family." She cried.
" Then why did you? You made me feel worthless and I done things that no mother should ever want her daughter to do." I cried.
" Im so sorry, I never intended to mess up you and Harry's relationship and I didnt want to make you relapse and began cutting again. Im so so sorry." She panted bringing me in for another hug.
" What is your explanation. Why did you put me through all of this?" I questioned after wiping away my fallen tears.
" Your father and I were going through things. We had decided to call it quits and I took out all my anger on you. I know i shouldnt have but seeing you break up a home and a happy family made me angry. Because thats the same thing your father did to us and it made me sick." She explained in tears.
I looked at her in awe as I realised what I had really done.

Flashback Ended

After that day, My mom and I had went to therapy together. We worked out our differences through the help of our therapist and now we are stronger than ever.
That really relieved me and it changed my attitude towards everything knowing that I had my mom back. It made my decision to help raise Madilyn easier, It made me realise that everything isnt about me and I should consider others.

I felt myself drifting into a deep sleep at peace with everything and everyone.

Hey Guys! Im so excited to continue writing this book. I cant promise you guys a specific schedule or amount of pages but I know i will update again. Please beware I havent read this story in almost 2 years so I may have forgotten any important things that may have happened in the last 64 chapters. Happy New Years once again and I hope to make this book thrive again and gain more readers along the way.

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