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We live in California. Solana Beach to be specific. Eden and I have lived on the same block since we were little. We met when I was 5 and she was 7. Her parents used to watch me while my dad worked sometimes. She's always been like the big sister that I've never had. Our age difference doesn't seem like much now that we're older. But back then I looked at her like she was the wisest person on the planet.

I love Eden to death. Seriously. I love everything about her and she is one of the best people that I have ever known. Suprising how free to be and hippy style she kinda is. Her mom is black and her dad is Korean and they play NO games. No shoes in the house. Use your indoor voice. Eat everything on your plate. Don't get more than you can handle. Eden Malaya is a real free spirit. Very zen and what not. But don't be fooled, because the way that her attitude is set up, home girl will have you in tears.

When I was 13 and Eden was 15, a new kid moved in next door to me. It was a cute boy. Dark curly hair, freckles for days. He had the sweetest smile too. And he had a little sister. She looked kinda like him. Just without the freckles. I remember her waving to Eden and me as she skipped her way up the walk way of their new house, a teddy bear dangling in her left hand. That poor bear looked like he had been loved so damn hard. (Peace be with you binky the bear.) Eden and I sat on my front steps watching as the new neighbors came in and out of the front door, unloading the moving truck. After a while they were finished and Eden simply could not hold back any longer.

"Hey newbie!" She yelled across the yard. He lifted his head and looked up in our direction,he held his right hand to his face to block out the sun. Eden waved him over. I suddenly got a little nervous. He was cute. So sue, I was THIRTEEN!

"Sup?" He gave us a crooked smile as he waited for a response. He wore a black snap back style hat, and royal blue tee shirt, and grey shorts. He had on some all black Van's too. He wore his hat backwards which I thought was kinda dumb since the sun was beaming that day but whatever. I won't go there.

"Sup, new kid. Welcome to the neighborhood. What's your name?" Eden stood up and shook his hand. I vaguely remember rolling my eyes. And if I didnt then I am now because we were freaking teenagers. Who shakes hands?

"You did invite me over here. Shouldn't you introduce yourself first? And your friend?" He raised an eyebrow as he peeked around Eden to look at me. God I remember blushing so hard. I was so awkward.

"Nah. Wanna know your government first. That way if I decide you're a douche you don't know anything about me." Eden spoke confidently.

"Lucky for you I'm new and not about to turn down friends." He smiled. "Names Mitchell. Sawyer Mitchell."

"Mmm k, James Bond." Eden ran her right hand through he long, dark, wavy hair. "I'm Eden. I live down the street."

"Then I'm guessing you live here?" Sawyer speaks directly to me. I stood up and smiled. I gave him a small wave. It's obvious why I'm so close with Eden now isn't it? She has always protected me. Kind of. She's outgoing and I'm really shy when it comes to new people.

"Hi. Um yeah. This is my house. My names Natalie." We smiled at each other. Sawyer was always so nice. Becoming friends with him was easy. He was kind. And not intimidating. He was always so relaxed.

After that day Sawyer and I just got closer and closer. His family moved into the house next door during the first week of August. We had a few weeks of summer to get to know each other. I had a few weeks of being virtually his only friend. And we ended up having quite a few classes together when school started. Sawyer treated me in kind of the same way as Eden. I was an easy target for bullies. But they protected me. People were a little scared of Eden. And people wanted to be Sawyers friend. He was handsome. But if anyone was mean to me they could forget about getting on the good side of either of them.

And that's how I met my two best friends. And now we are in our twenties and we live in an apartment building that Eden parents own. It's just two condos. They share an entry way but each of our apartments has it own front door. Boys on one side and girls on the other. I couldn't imagine having to live with Walt full time.

Sawyer and Walt met sophomore year. I don't know all the details but I do know that they are inseparable. They have been since they first met. Walt is.....a pretty boy. Don't get me wrong if it sounds like he leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can't exactly explain our relationship. He's okay. He's a looker, I guess. He's a year younger younger than Sawyer and I. Maybe that's why he's kind of immature? I don't know.

I guess I have always looked at Walt as my annoying little brother. He really knows how to push my buttons. Maybe Sawyer looks at him like a brother too. I mean he has a sister. His best friends are me and Eden. It kinda makes sense. No worries you'll see plenty of Walter. He just loves being the center of attention. The exact opposite of me.

When Sawyer and I were getting ready to graduate we decided to make a promise to each other. That no matter what we would always be friends. Not just Sawyer and me, but all of us. You need friends in this world. And I was going to find out just how much I need them sooner than I thought.

Edens parents being big ballers and all were kind enough to let the four of us live in their building. Having tenant they knew meant we could be trusted not to wreck their property. Don't be fooled though. We don't stay here for free. We may not pay as much as most people but we all get the funds from somewhere. Eden works at a plant nursery and she's also a freelance photographer. Sawyer is the tech guy. He fixes computers and he always dabbles in digital designs. Creating websites and even cover art and logos. Walt models. Yeah, he's just that pretty. Nothing major really. Some American Eagle kinda gigs. And me...I...I kind of lost my way after I lost my dad. I've doing odd jobs wherever I can get them. Temping and such. Dog Walker. Temporary secretary. House sitter. Whatever I can get my hands on.

Sawyer doesn't really like the whole house sitter thing. He can be very over protective sometimes. The fact that he works from home with whatever kind of schedule he wants can really drive me crazy at times. Especially without my dad around. When I do a house sitting job Sawyer refuses to let me go alone. "You're too pretty to be in a strangers house alone." "You're so naive Nat. What if something happens to you?" I. HATE. IT. I know he means well so I try to keep my cool but that boy really drives me crazy sometimes.

I don't even bother arguing with him anymore. He won't ever let up. I just don't take house sitting jobs that much anymore. And if I do, I don't dare mention it to Sawyer. I'm just surprised he hasn't given me a bracelet or something with a tracker in it. Stupid tech nerd. But still, I really wouldn't trade him for the world. I know he only does what he does because he cares. We've been friends for so long. I think I'd be worried if he didn't act so irrationally.

Eden treats me like a baby too. They all do in their own way. Even though I'm the more mature one of all of us. I don't like to party. I handle all of the finances and the groceries. Maybe they're all so overprotective because they'd be screwed without me. There's a reason none of them own a checkbook. If it was up to Eden she'd pay her part of the rent to her parents in cash. Then she'd constantly be wondering why she can't keep track of what's going into her bank account and what's going out.

Best thing about being raised by a single father for me was that he always made sure I could do it all on my own if I ever had to. He raised me to be independent and self sufficiant. Maybe he knew that I would have to figure our adulthood on my own. My entire life, he was grooming me. Setting me up for life. But maybe he was really just setting me up for life without him.

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