Chapter 4

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You calmed down and told Mark everything.

"Demons can do that? Demon do that?" He shouted. You nodded. It was the first time you heard of this also.

"What's worse is that demon can blend in. The only way you can tell a human from a demon is the eyes. they will be a blood red, or a pitch black." You said, standing. That was something all angels knew. Mark stood also.

"Well you know I'm not one. Come stay with me, I will keep you safe." He said. You looked at him, seeing his dark eyes. They look almost black, but you saw the brown in them. You smiled, nodding.

"Thank you, Mark, how can I repay you?" You asked him s you both walked out, getting in the car. He got in and smiled at you.

"Be my friend?" He asked before he started to laugh. You looked at him. He calmed down and looked at you.

"I don't know your name." He said. You laughed a bit.

"It's (y/n)." You said. Mark smiled, driving back home. You both didn't see a man wearing a gray suit, watching you.

Once you got back, Mark showed you around the house. The last room was yours.

"Wow!" You said, walking in. Mark was leaning on the door frame to your room. You looked at him, smiling.

"Thank you, Mark." You said. He blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Your welcome (y/n). I'm sorry, I must make a video, it's my job. I will be in my room and it can take a bit, but I won't be long." He said. You nodded, and he left. You smiled, sitting on your bed. Your wing was almost healed. Being an angel, you didn't stay hurt long. By tomorrow it would be better but that's all the power you had. You didn't have flight. You sighed, laying on your belly, falling into a deep sleep. Healing took energy and sleeping was the best way to get it. You awoke to a knock. Your eyes opened, and you saw Mark.

"Hey, I made dinner." He said. You sat up, stretching as you yawned. You saw Mark blushing.

"Your beautiful, you know that." He said. You looked a bit scared. You had heard stories that human fall in love with angel because of their beauty. Some went mad to get the angel they saw.

"Mark, I..." You said but Mark held his hand up to stop you.

"No, I'm sorry. I don't even know you. I don't know what came over me." He said. You looked shocked. He had broken out of the trances. Not many can do that. You stood and followed him to the kitchen.

"Wow Mark. Not many can break an angel trance." You said. He looked at you confused.

"It's something an angel does naturally, like breathing for you. Most humans fall into it. Most go mad." You explain. Mark sat back in his seat.

"I know your beautiful and I don't know why I said that, but it seemed, weird, too soon even." He said. You smiled.

"Mark, I was afraid to come to earth, thinking it would ruin the life I had up in heaven, but you keep shocking me. You keep showing me I was wrong. I may be claimed by a demon, but I don't think he will find me with over 7 billion people on earth." You said. Mark smiled, about to eat when he heard a knock on his door. he stood, saying he would be right back. He nodded, starting to eat. You heard a loud thump. You stood, turning around, running into the living room. you saw Mark on the ground, a man that looked like him, but darker. He had black eyes. You froze in fear.

"There's my angel." He said, walking up to you. You wanted to back away, but you couldn't. Fear had you. He walked up to you, looking into your eyes.

"Wh.." Was all you got out before this man, this demon, kissed you. Your eyes widened before you fell to the ground, paralyzed. He smiled, picking you up, holding you close in his arms. He was so cold. He looked you.

"Sleep angel." He said and you soon saw nothing but blackness.

Fallen Angel (Markiplier x Reader x Darkiplier) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now