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Lexi: hey handsome

ty: hey cutie

ty: whats shakin

lexi: just wondering if you were free tonight??

ty: yep my night is all free !!

ty: what were you thinking??

lexi: I was thinking I could cook you dinner??

ty: wow, you have kitchen skills babe??

ty: kidding, I would love to!

ty: what time should I come to yours??

lexi: maybe 7:30??

ty: perfect.. want me to bring anything??

lexi: some white wine would be perfect

ty: you got it, see you then


snapchat- seggy 

7:23 pm

find me something my girl can't do

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find me something my girl can't do

smatthews replied to your story

>shes actually really bad at taking tequila shots

"This looks great Lex," Tyler praised as he helped the brunette place the last plates on her dining room table. 

"Thanks, babe," Lexi smiled at the tall man as she took off her apron revealing her leather leggings and simple white v-neck. "Let's sit down." The two sat around the table and Lexi served the steak salad she had made and Tyler poured the wine. 

"Cheers," Tyler smiled offering his wine glass to Lexi to tap. "I'm really glad you can cook," the hockey player said as he took his first bite of the meal. 

"Oh? And why's that?" Lexi teased, sipping on her wine as Tyler met her eyes. 

"Because I plan on you sticking around and one of us needs to be able to cook," Tyler said with faux confidence. On the inside, he was watching closely for Lexi's reaction. She simply smiled at him and set her glass down. 

"That's actually one of the reasons I wanted you to come over," Lexi started, playing with her food as she could feel Tyler's eyes on her. "These past few weeks have been amazing, and I love spending time with you, and I was hoping we could maybe talk about being, like, official. Not like on facebook or anything but like, telling my family I have a boyfriend. I get if you don't -"

Lexi's rant was cut off when Tyler stood from his chair abruptly and stalked towards her, pulling her up out of her chair and ignoring her squeak as his lips descended upon hers. The kiss was slow and sweet, and Tyler could taste the wine on Lexi's lips. The two pulled apart and Tyler rested his forehead on Lexi's as his hand came up to cup her cheek.

"Baby, I would love to be able to finally get to call you my girlfriend," he admitted softly with a smile. Lexi searched his eyes, only finding sincerity and lifted herself on her toes to press another kiss on her boyfriend's lips.


zhall, sarahxx34, jamiebenn14 and 1,794 other likes

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zhall, sarahxx34, jamiebenn14 and 1,794 other likes

tagged: tseguin92

lexirhall finally found me the perfect pretti boy


jamiebenn14 finally ffs

hhall does this mean I can finally go to a stars game?

user4 whoa seggy is off the market?

tseguin92 my girl♥️


alexnylander, jordiebenn, sarahxx34 and 71,342 other likes

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alexnylander, jordiebenn, sarahxx34 and 71,342 other likes

tagged: lexirhall 

tseguin92 my girl always looks perfect, even as a blur


sarahxx34 my fave couple

jordiebenn no clue how shes going to deal with you

user31 who is she?

lexirhall you're making me blush get outta here

jamiebenn14 im gonna be honest I like lex more than you

It's What You Do To Me// T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now