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When Tyler was on his way back from training, Lexi had set up a surprise to tell him about the little addition to their family. Lexi had made a doctors appointment and had found out their little bub was due in April, perfect timing for Lexi because that means Tyler would either be already done for the season or close to it. She had decided to rush order a little victory green onesie that said 'My Daddy is a Dallas Star' on the front with 'Baby Seguin' on the back with a double zero in place of Tyler's 91. 

Lexi was practically buzzing with nerves, and the dogs could tell and were following her around, worried about their mom's emotions. Lexi had packed the onesie up in a bag, as well as a baby pair of Bauer skates that she had ordered. She decided to settle on the couch and wait for Tyler by watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. 

She felt the nerves come back full force as she heard the garage door open and close, and her husband's heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and entering the house. "Baby?" Tyler called out into the house as he tugged off his shoes in the mudroom. 

"Hi!" Lexi came over to meet him, helping him set his stuff down before pulling him down and meeting him for a long sweet kiss. "I have a surprise for you," she whispered against his lips. 

"For me?" he teased as he let Lexi lead him to the kitchen where the bag was sitting on the island. "Ohhh," he cooed as he walked over to the bag. "What is the special occasion?" he asked as he pulled at the tissue paper. 

"Don't worry about it babe," Lexi giggled nervously. "Just open it up," Lexi swore dogs were telepathic as all three of the boys had come to cuddle around Lexi's legs as she watched Tyler finally get to the gift. 

"What?" Tyler breathed as he saw the onesie, holding it tight as he peeked back into the bag to see the small skates. "Baby, are you..? are we..?"

"Yeah," she said in a small voice, trying to determine his reaction. 

"Oh my god," he gasped, finally turning to Lexi who was surprised to see tears in his eyes. "We're gonna be parents," he cooed, rushing over to wrap Lexi up in a tight hug. "Holy shit I love you," he rasped into her hair. 

"I love you," he said as he kissed Lexi deeply before dropping to his knees. "Hi baby, this is your daddy. Your mom and I love you so much and we can't wait to meet you."


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tseguin92 happy birthday to my wife, the mother of my pups, my everything. Some days I never thought I could have this life and then you came along and showed me how great life could be. I can't wait to keep going on this amazing journey with you

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lexiseguin baby seguin coming 4. 21. 2021


sarahxx34 hardest secret I've ever kept

hhall can't believe you're gonna be a mom wow

jbenn14 feel bad that the poor kid has segs as a dad



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tseguin92 4.21.2021


jackieseguin baby seguin is going to be so unbelievably loved

dallasstars can't wait to meet the newest family member!

lexiseguin I cant wait to wake you up at 3 am for a snack

candaceseguin I'm so proud of you bro


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tseguin92 is that a bump I see mama?

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lexiseguin baby seguin is doing great and is no longer making mama throw up all day!



It's What You Do To Me// T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now