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For Lexi's 23rd birthday, she knew Tyler was up to something. The month before her birthday she had mentioned to Tyler the possibility of taking a long weekend and maybe going to Mexico or even South Padre Island, and the man had shot the idea down nervously. Lexi had shrugged it off, but she soon caught on that something was going on when two weeks before she started reaching out to her family and her girls to ask if they wanted to get together to celebrate, and every single person had not been willing to confirm any kind of plan. 

Needless to say that the week before her birthday, Lexi was a little bit suspicious. The night before her birthday, Lexi fell asleep cuddled up next to Tyler like every other night. What was unusual was his movement only a few hours later. Lexi paid it no mind as he crawled out of bed, thinking he might need to use the bathroom. She couldn't ignore it though when he proceeded to turn the lights on. 

"Tyler what the fuck," Lexi hissed as she pulled the duvet up over her head. She heard her boyfriend laugh and poked her head out of the covers to glare at the man who was heading into his closet. "Baby why," Lexi whined as she reached over to check her phone, seeing that it was three thirty in the morning.

"So I did something," Tyler said with a grin as he exited the closet now clad in a pair of joggers and a hoodie. "I planned a trip."

"A trip?" Lexi asked with her eyebrow raised as Tyler began to get clothes out for her. "To where?"

"Ah ah," Tyler scolded as he handed her her favorite pair of leggings and one of his Stars sweatshirts. "That's still a surprise baby."

"Tyler!" Lexi squealed as he practically yanked her from their bed. "How am I supposed to pack?" The girl asked incredulously as she pulled her own clothes on. 

"I had Sarah pack you a bag," Tyler said nonchalantly as he went into the closet, pulling her blue suitcase behind him. 

"Oh my gosh ty," Lexi laughed as he told her to get her shoes on as their flight was soon. She felt a little fuzzy inside when she saw Tyler had even gone to the trouble of getting Jamie up at the butt crack of dawn to drive them to the airport. The two men chatted up front while Lexi leaned her head on the window of Jamie's car and dozed off. Tyler opened the door for her when they got to the airport, and Jamie hugged them both as Tyler got their bags out of the car. The captain whispered in Tyler's ear before patting the man's shoulder. 

The couple headed into the airport and Tyler checked them into their flight, still without letting Lexi know where they were going. Once they passed through security, Tyler led Lexi to a private lounge where there was a bar and restaurant and they were to wait there until their flight boarded. 

Lexi sat cuddled into Tyler's side as he played on his phone. After about an hour, she heard the intercom buzz on in their lounge. The attendant announced the boarding time for a flight to Paris and Lexi's jaw hit the ground as she looked up at Tyler who just returned her shocked look with a huge smile. "Oh my god!" Lexi squealed as she threw herself into Tyler's arms and hugged him tightly.

"Happy birthday baby," Tyler murmured into her hair as he rocked her back and forth. 



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It's What You Do To Me// T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now