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sarahxx34, jamiebenn14, cassidyseguin and 8,941 other likes

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sarahxx34, jamiebenn14, cassidyseguin and 8,941 other likes

tagged: tseguin92

lexirhall forced ty to come and help me decorate my apartment, the next step is his house


user46 wow this is so pretty??

sarahxx34 i still think you should've gone into interior design

jamiebenn14 can i hire you to decorate my house?

zhall you and mom always go overboard smh

lexierhall @zhall you've been disowned


jordiebenn, jackieseguin, dallasstars and 65,219 other likes

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jordiebenn, jackieseguin, dallasstars and 65,219 other likes

tagged: lexirhall

tseguin92 let my girl have free reign of decorating my house (and yet somehow I still did all the heavy lifting)


user45 this is super aesthetically pleasing bravo

lexirhall you're welcome

jamiebenn14 can you ask her if she'll do my house so I dont have to??

jackieseguin Lexi you truly have a talent!!

snapchat- lexiraee

8:49 pm

lol yes i'm this extra

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lol yes i'm this extra

9:13 pm

9:13 pm

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christmas eve

snapchat- lexiraee

10:37 pm

waiting for santa w this babe @cassseguin (sorry ty i'm leaving you)

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waiting for santa w this babe @cassseguin (sorry ty i'm leaving you)


jordiebenn, willynylander, jackieseguin and 61,498 other likes

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jordiebenn, willynylander, jackieseguin and 61,498 other likes

tagged: lexirhall

tseguin my sisters covered my house in mistletoe for some reason 

(we took advantage of it)

happy Christmas Eve!

jackieseguin i love that hat!!

cassidyseguin it was so we could snap pics of you guys and feel even more alone than we already do

candaceseguin ^^ this is true

lexirhall youre honestly a grinch baby

jamiebenn14 ^^ exposed


jordiebenn, candaceseguin, zhall and 7,398 other likes

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jordiebenn, candaceseguin, zhall and 7,398 other likes

tagged: tseguin

lexirhall ty and I were blessed enough to be able to spend our first Christmas together with our families in Dallas this year!! (also please ignore the luxury pile behind us, half of those boxes were bought to trick our siblings about their gifts haha!!)


Sarahxx34 merry Christmas sweet girl!

Jamiebenn14 merry Christmas you filthy animals

user39 lmao why aren't you wearing pants? girl bye

jackieseguin thank you so much for bringing us into your home today sweetie! we love you!


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