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jordiebenn, zhall, candaceseguin and 1,529 other likes

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jordiebenn, zhall, candaceseguin and 1,529 other likes

tagged: jamiebenn14, tseguin92, dallasstars

lexirhall super proud of my boy and his boys for a great season. No matter the standings, you'll always be the winner of my heart♥️


candaceseguin proud of you no matter what Ty

zhall you boys had a great season!

sarahxx34 proud of you guys


sarah: have you talked to Tyler since last night?

lexi: no... he dropped me off after the game though and was pretty quiet

lexi: I was going to try to give him space but I dont like that

lexi: maybe I should go over and cook him dinner and cuddle him??

sarah: I feel like he would def love that

lexi: ok thanks sis!! love you


Lexi headed to Tyler's house after stopping at the store. She had picked up ingredients for stirfry, as well as some bones for the dogs to hopefully distract them from their dad's likely horrible mood. She unloaded the groceries and walked to Tyler's door and walked right in. 

"Ty?" Lexi called out through the house, trying to locate her boyfriend. The dogs quickly greeted her in the foyer and she talked to them as she pushed past them to make her way to the kitchen and set the groceries down. "Here babies," Lexi cooed as she dropped three bones onto the floor to occupy the boys as she went in search of their dad. 

"Tyler?" Lexi asked again as she eased open the door to his bedroom. She smiled sadly when she saw her boyfriend under all of the blankets on his bed facing away from the door. She padded over to the side of the bed and sat down softly, running her hand through Tyler's unruly hair. "Baby," she cooed as she noticed the telltale signs of Tyler being pulled from his sleep. 

"What are you doing here princess?" the man asked, his voice clouded with sleep as he blinked up at Lexi sleepily. 

"Came to cook for you and cuddle you," Lexi admitted, letting her hand leave Tyler's hair and travel down to his cheek, running her thumb over his sharp jawline. "Why don't you jump in the shower and I'll make you some dinner," she suggested as she stood from the bed, smiling softly when Tyler followed her, heading to the bathroom. 

It's What You Do To Me// T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now