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location: Tampa Bay, Florida

lhall, nicwoods, jackieseguin and 8,914 other likes

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lhall, nicwoods, jackieseguin and 8,914 other likes

tagged: tseguin92

lexirhall so proud of my boy and his teammates for their amazing play this year!!


jamiebenn14 i literally played where is my tag lex

nicwoods really hope you got a tan for me

user5 saw them together at dinner after the game and they were honestly so sweet!!


jamiebenn14, hhall, tseguin92 and 8,987 other likes

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jamiebenn14, hhall, tseguin92 and 8,987 other likes

tagged: sarahxx34, zhall

lexirhall yeah we made zach pretend to be a paparazzi to take this on the way to the game


zhall first game i get to attend and this is how im treated.

nicwoods so sad i missed it!

user69 literal fashion icons


cassidyseguin, loghall, jordiebenn and 9,219 other likes

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cassidyseguin, loghall, jordiebenn and 9,219 other likes

tagged: tseguin92

lexirhall happy birthday to my amazing boy. every day you make me fall more and more in love with you, and keep reminding me how lucky I am to have a huge Canadian teddy bear like you as my partner in crime❤️


jordiebenn happy birthday bro!

nicwoods happy birthday ty! cant wait for tonight!

jackieseguin happy birthday honey! we love you!


snapchat- lexiraee

10:38 pm 

happy birthday baby

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happy birthday baby


12:14 am

im on a boat

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im on a boat


Lexi and Tyler got home after his birthday celebration and stumbled right into bed. The two of them had drank and danced the night away, and Lexi couldn't even find it in her to go put on the expensive lingerie she had bought with tonight in mind. 

"Tonight was the best birthday of my life," Tyler mumbled into Lexi's ear from where he was spooned behind her. "Thank you, baby."

"Anything for you handsome," Lexi whispered as she leaned her head back to place a kiss on the underside of his jaw. 

"One day," Tyler slurred, obviously in the land between sleep and reality. " I'm gonna ask you to marry me, and we're gonna have a bunch of babies and puppies." Tyler drifted off soon after, unaware of the was a small smile had slowly crept onto her face. 

"And I'll say yes," Lexi whispered before closing her eyes and drifting off.


Sorry for the delay on this chapter, I moved back to campus at college this week so its been super hectic but wTF?? this book has more than 400 reads? and its ranked?? i honestly thought I was going to pass out when I saw that, so thank y'all so much. I hope yall are pleased with the way this story is progressing!! I am currently working on an Auston Matthews story but I wanted to get a bunch of chapters ready before posting it, so keep an eye out for that :))

It's What You Do To Me// T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now