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lexirhall in a week I get to call this hunk my husband yall



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tseguin92 Can't wait to begin the rest of our life tomorrow



Lexi can't sleep. She and the girls had taken over her and Tyler's house while the boys had all headed to Jamie's to stay the night and to hang out before the ceremony and to get ready in the morning. She climbed out of the mess of blankets and mattresses the girls had all made in the media room and padded to the living room where the dogs all perked up from their beds. 

"Come on," she whispered, the dogs getting up and following her as she opened the back door to let them out. She followed and sat down on a lawn chair and fixed her gaze up at the stars. She heard the door open and close again. 

"Hey," Sarah called softly, padding over and nudging Lexi with her foot and climbing into the char next to her. "How are you feeling?"

Lexi kept her gaze on the sky. "It's like I'm excited but also so nervous. Like Tyler is it for me, I know that, but I'm just nervous about what comes next ya know?"

"Next?" Sarah teased. "Next is gonna be another dog or two, and then some beautiful babies." Lexi giggled as Sarah wrapped her arm around her. "You guys have been through so much together, the rest of it is gonna be easy."

"I love you," Lexi whispered, resting her head on Sarah's shoulder as the dogs came running over after seeing that the blonde had joined their adventure. 

"I love you to dork," Sarah teased, standing up. "Now come on, you can't have bags on the best day of your life." Lexi followed Sarah inside and made sure the dogs got settles in their beds before heading back to the media room. 

She checked her phone before laying back down, smiling softly when she saw that Tyler had sent her a text. Her heart felt so full when she opened it to see a simple 'I love you Mrs. Seguin' with a smiley face.


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lexirhall so about last night...




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lexirhall thankful.



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tagged lexiseguin

tseguin hot damn that's my wife😍

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tagged: tseguin92

lexiseguin oof😍



It's What You Do To Me// T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now