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lexi: hey yall, when is the next day most of yall are free?

mama bear: Im free pretty much every day baby girl

papa bear: I am too after work

zach: Im coming home for the weekend next weekend??

hunter: ^^ I have a big project at work that should be finished by then

logan: i can make whatever... why the family gathering lex??

lexi: well ty and i are now officially together and 

i  want yall to meet him

hunter: oh hell yes

hunter: its been way too long since the last time I threatened someone

lexi: hunter no

logan: hunter yes

zach: I cant decide whether I want to intimidate him or ask for his autograph

papa bear: boys lets calm down

papa bear: we would love to meet the young man sweetheart

mama bear: do you think dinner next saturday would work?

lexi: that should work, Ill double check with him tonight..

lexi: ill bring wine and dessert


"Hey baby," Lexi called as she walked into Tyler's house to the sound of three sets of paws running to the front door. " oh hi babies," the girl cooed as she dropped to her knees and let the boys sniff and lick her face to their heart's content.

"I swear they're trying to steal you from me," Tyler chuckled from where he was leaning against the doorjamb in the kitchen. 

"You may be right," Lexi teased as she stood up and walked to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and standing on her tiptoes to place a few kisses on his lips. "hi babe," she smiled up at the man as he ran his hand over her hair. 

"Hey," he smirked, beginning to tug her towards the living room where the two planned to binge watch their new favorite show, Game of Thrones. "how was work today?" he asked as the two sat on the couch, the dogs immediately following and cuddling up to the two. 

"Ugh," Lexi groaned as she cuddled up to Tyler's chest. " sometimes I just don't get why people can't understand simple directions that are meant to make their life easier?" Tyler let the girl ramble as he set up the TV, and she finally huffed and settled down as he got to the episode the two had left off on. 

"Actually before we start this I have a quick question for you," Lexi looked up at him nervously. 

"What's up babe," Tyler asked, a bit confused at the nervousness she was showing.

"So my family is going to all be together for the first time in like a month and a half this weekend, and I was wondering if you might want to come with me to dinner with them?" Lexi asked, scanning Tyler's face for his reaction, which was only to smile softly.

It's What You Do To Me// T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now