Chapter Five: Moments in Time

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So here's Chapter Five! :) This by far is my favourite chapter, since it had a Liam/Summer scene in it! :')

Here you go, I'm still looking for a new cover for this book, if you have any idea's or want to do it, please message me!

Okay, I won't keep you waiting any longer!



All Rights Reserved 2012

                                              *~~Chapter Five: Moments in Time~~*

Liam POV

It was absolutely horrible. Three girls, Grace, Lilly and Stacy all wearing these short skirts and tiny, low tops were constantly touching my arm and giggling, the way they exploited themselves was sick. That was howI spent the last three periods.

"So Liam, how long ago did you move here? I love your accent." She purred, trailing her hand down my arm. I tried to discreetly shrug it off, but it didn't work.

"I just recently moved here, at least a month ago, it took a week to settle in before I actually first arrived at the school." I explained, still trying to move away from her, but failing once again. She giggled and leaned her head on my shoulder.

Lilly tapped her shoulder and gave a pointed look before quickly looking toward the door and back to her. She nodded before standing, not acknowledging me anymore, and walked up to the teacher's desk.

"Sir, I need to go to the bathroom." She stated, putting her hands on her hips and giving him a look that dared him to say no.

"We have five minutes of class, Ms Richards, can't you wait to the end of class?" Mr Young, my English teacher asked, after glancing at his watch.

Grace frowned before putting on the puppy dog eyes. "But sir, I just found out I got my period-"

"Okay, go, thank you Ms Richards." He said, waving her away, clearly not expecting it. She smirked before sauntering out of the class.


What was she up to?


After two more classes of of complete boredom, I found myself excited for lunch. I could finally hang out with Summer again, maybe talk about our duet. Thinking about the duet brought a frown to my face, why did I have to go back for a month? And now of all times? It was unfair on a whole new level.

"Liam!" I heard a high pitched squeal in my ear and spun around. Lilly and Stacy. Shoot. This was going to take forever.

"Can I help you ladies?" I asked, trying to be polite. What was their problem? Couldn't they take a hint?

"Look Liam," Lilly begun, taking a step toward me, putting a confident hand on my shoulder, a serious look on her face. "We like you, a lot, and we don't want to see you go downhill. This will definitely happen if you continue hanging out with that tramp." She stated, looking me deep in the eyes. I shook my head, confused at what she said.

"Why would you call Grace a tramp? I thought she was your-"

"Not Grace you idiot! Summer, that nerdy slut, the one that sells her body for money! For God's sake, Liam, it's so obvious, she's just going to use you!" She shouted at me. I looked around me, no one was here, we were alone in the halls. They must all be in the cafeteria.

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