Chapter Nineteen: Magic

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Yay, next chapter! I've been listening to the song 'Magic' by One Direction way too many times, so that's going to be the title! ;3 Haha

Here's your chapter!


*WARNING: There is one swear word, well two I guess, anyway, just thought pt let you know :)*


Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.

Chapter Nineteen: Magic

Everything was silent as I sat in the stiff chair. I fidgeted uncomfortably and shot worried glances at my mother who was seated on my left, my dad on my other side. The receptionist indicated us to come forward.

"Detective Jones is waiting in his office for you." She said politely, instructing us to go through the first door on the right. With a nod, we walked stiffly to the Detective's office.

"Summer, Mr and Mrs Littlemore, please have a seat." A man said with a small smile. He had grey hair copped short, a mustache to match and thin glasses that sat procisely on the bridge of his nose. He stood and shook hands with my parents before plopping in his on seat.

He folded his hands together and let out a deep breath.

"So first, we want to go over the finer details," Jones' started with a deep breath. "Summer, could please tell us what happened the night of your first attack with Heath Matthews."

I lowered my gaze to my clenched fists and grinded my teeth together, thinking back to why I was here being questioned.

Soon after Heath had been handcuffed and put where he belonged, I was still frozen. My cheek had a big, red handprint throbbing the living daylights out of it. It hurt like something terrible, I could tell you that. As I kept my stare into nothing, the principal had called my parents to explain what had happened to me. They immediately shot down to the school, ditching work, and dragging me home. They asked me question after question, ones that I just didn't have the strength to answer.

Why did this happen?

What is Heath Matthews to you?

Why did you fight him?

Detective Jones, the one in charge of this investigation as of now, had insrtucted my parents to take care of my 'injury' and to bring me back to his office when I was refreshed. I knew I was still in shock as I sat in my parent's car, blankly gazing out the window wishing I was anywhere but there.

"Summer?" My eyes shot up to meet Jones' and I nodded slowly, letting air whoosh out of my mouth through my teeth. I gripped the side of my jeans tightly and said in a clipped tone.

"I was at a party and he hurt me."

Jones' nodded, motioning for me to elaborate.

"H-he," I sniffed and closed my eyes, then opened them to stare at an empty spot on the wall. "He used me, like I was nothing. I never in all my life would have imagined something like this would happen to me. It only happened to girls who walked in alleyways at night and got caught my shady men." I whispered, looking anywhere but my parents.

"Summer," My mom gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth slowly. "Are you saying that-"

"Yes. Heath Matthews raped me." I said with finality, refusing to look at anyone.

"Are we done here?" I asked, eyeing the Detective, trying with all my strength to keep back the tears that were threatening to spill. "I want to go to the hospital. I want to see him. I need too." I said. My dad suddenly shot up from his seat and slammed his fist on Jones' desk.

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