Chapter Sixx: OWWWW, this hurts

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Me and Mark walked into his house. The first room you saw was the kitchen, at the kitchen was Mark's father reading the newspaper.

"Hello Mark." His father said. He looked up to see me with Mark. "Hello Lissa, are you staying with us tonight." His dad smiled at me. "Hello Mr. Free and yes I am." 

I sat down in a chair at the table while Mark got me some water. Mr. Free's eyes traveled to each place on me where there was blood. He looked concerned.

"Lissa, if you don't mind me asking. What happened?" His father questioned. I sighed. "My mother was drunk and mad at me so she threw a wine and beer bottle at me and it cut my stomach. When that happened I fell back onto a table and that bruised my stomach."

"I also somehow got the stomach bug and when me and Mark went to the pizza hut, Mark's girlfriend Jessica came in and got mad at me so she pushed me into the table and that opened back up my cut and all the food I ate came back up." I explained. 

"I told you Mark, that girlfriend of yours was a terrible choice." His father told Mark, he gets this lecture a lot and it's kind of hard not to laugh.

"She didn't leave without a black eye." I said very proudly. Mark rolled his eyes while searching his medicine cabinet and his father chuckled. " That's good." Mr. Free said almost as proud as I was.

Mark walked back over to me with a cup of water and a tablet which I suspect is something for my stomach. Either that or he is trying to drug me.

"I broke up with Jessica and I almost got arrested." Mark states bluntly. His father turned to look at him and started to laugh.

"How did you almost get arrested?" His father chuckles, looking proud of his son. "I followed Lis into the restroom." Mark told him.

"Oh." Is all his father says and looks at me. I can guarantee you that Mr. Free thinks Mark came into the bathroom for a different reason then what actually happened.

"No not like that." I glared at Mark, his eyes lit up when he realized what he said sounded like. "Oh yeah no, not in that way. Lis got sick so I ran after her." Mark said more appropriately this time.

"That makes more since. I just don't see you to in a romantic relationship." His father laughed. My face twisted in disgust and Mark held a blank expression.

Mr. Free looked back at his news paper and Mark turned to look at me. "Take the pill, it will make your stomach feel better." Mark told me. I took the pill and it was terrible, disgusting, horrible.

Mark chuckled at my expression. "Dad, wheres the Goss tape and the Aspirin?" Mark asked. "In the bathroom." His father responded. "Okay." Mark shouted as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the upstairs bathroom.

"Sit on the counter." Mark told me and motioned to the sink counter. I hopped on it and watched as Mark searched every where in the bathroom and finally found the stuff he needed, Goss tape, Alcohol, Peroxide, something else for cuts, and Aspirin. It kind of scared me because Alcohol hurt on infected cuts.

Mark grabbed a wash cloth and put some water on it. "You need to take off your shirt." He said and motioned to my beyond ruined  AC/DC shirt. " Okay." I sighed and pulled it off over my head. "It's ruined." I stated, sounding like a annoyed four year old.

"I'll wash it, AC/DC shirts don't die on my watch." Mark laughed and I giggled. "How bad will this hurt." I asked worriedly. I hate stingy feeling, I'm not sure why but I do and Alcohol stings. "Don't concentrate on it and it want hurt that bad." Mark assured me.

"Lean back a little." Mark gently pushed my shoulders so I could give him more access to my cut. He took the damp cloth and slowly removed the dried blood. "I'm gonna pour the Peroxide on it. It want sting but it will bubble." Mark explained. I nodded.

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