Chapter 26: I hate saying goodbyes, part 2.

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Mark turned to look at me. His blond hair covering his eyes and looking longer and flatter with the water and alcohol just poured on it.

I stared at him with an innocent smile. "Seriously Lis. I have water all over my hair and shirt now." He sternly stated, but his eyes shown with a since of fun.

"That wasn't all water. Some of it was Johnny's alcohol." I said with a grin. Johnny just started laughing. I thought he was going to fall over from it. Mark watched all of this. He sat on the floor soaking wet and frustrated.

He rolled his eyes at me. I bent down to look at him. The second I got close to, his arms reached out and he pulled me right into him. All the alcohol and water on him was now covering part of me. I struggled to move but his grip was strong and I was stuck on him.

The plain alcohol started to smell, strong scented alcohol never goes well with me. My stomach has a weak tolerance to the smell of it and the taste of it. That is one of the reason's I don't think I'll ever drink, I'd throw up every time.

When Mark finally moved, I was able to get up and away from the smell. Dave walked back into the place with a shirt in his hands, I didn't even realize he left.

"Here." He handed Mark the shirt that was ripped, barely any cloth. "Isn't this what you where on stage?" Mark asked. "Yeah. But it's all I got right now." Dave said flatly. Mark looked around to make sure no one was watching.

He started to take his shirt off. "Dude." Mick whispered. "We are gonna get kicked out." The time he was shirtless I could do nothing but stare. Bruce noticed and so did Johnny, Mick and Carmine. "Hey Lissa-" Johnny started to say something but Carmine kicked his shin and Mick pushed his back. 

The second I saw that everyone else noticed my stare, my cheeks flushed a bright red. Why! I pleaded in my head for them seeing me.

Mark got the shirt straightened. His eyes looked to meet mine, he flashed a smile. I could see Johnny face palm out of the corner of my eye at the fact Mark didn't notice me staring at him.

I looked at him. Tight jeans and a plain white shirt that looked like a tiger just attacked it, why does he have to look so freakin' hot in that. 

Mark neatly folded his shirt, everyone else was getting ready to leave. He walked over to me. "You ready?" He questioned, completely ignoring what just happened. "Mm-hmm." I hummed, but I was internally wailing for him to stay.

I've known him so long, when he leaves I become lonely. I've known him for along time and he is my best friend, when he leaves I have no one there to hold me and to talk to. Knowing it might be awhile before he come's back is even worse.

By the time I stopped thinking about that we were already at his car. Mark came to the passengers side and opened the door. "Thank you." I smiled. In response, Mark let his hand run across me as I got in the car.

I watched as he walked around to his side and climbed in. He started the car, the radio was up real loud. It took me a minute to realize what song was playing but when I did I turned the radio up even louder.

I started singing along to the soft jazzy, rock tune.

He is down by the riverside
Late one night
He's tryin' to count the stars
In each of the signs
All alone by the riverside

Mark looked at me strangely. "You know this is competition to King Kobra?" His face twisted. I ignored what he said and still sung along to my favorite Europe song.

And time passes by
Gathering thoughts of the past

And maybe he'll cry  

Mark reached and turned the radio down. I hit his hand. "Hey, don't turn that down. They never play Europe on the radio so let me listen to this while it last's." I muttered. He watched me, amused.

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