Chapter 29: Sleep, Eat, Get Hit In The Face, Repeat.

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We ordered and got our food but my cheek soon started to hurt and so did my head. I decided to only drink the water and sweet tea I got. 

"Are you okay?" Bruce asked, looking between me and my half eating food. "Just my head hurts." I mumbled. He nodded understandingly.

I sat there in silence. Neither of us talked for awhile. The only thing I had to do was watch all the other customers. Suddenly, a large family walked in. There were about four adults. A milder aged couple, a women who looked to be around thirty and another girl who looked like she was, maybe, twenty one or twenty two.

The oldest couple had a probably twelve year old boy with them. The woman had a baby in her arms, a toddler hanging off her leg and a, what I think, eight year holding her hand.

What was odd was the youngest adult. She had a brand-new baby in her arms and another toddler walking beside her.

As the family was shown to a large table, the toddler that was with the girl came running over to me. Bruce looked over to notice this.

I turned to greet the young kid. It's short legs almost making it trip. The closer it got I realized it was a little boy. 

He was kinda chubby with red cheeks. My guess was he was four or five just real small. He grabbed my hand and started playing with it. I laughed. "What's your name, little dude?" I bent down eye level to him. "Jack." He giggled. I laughed.

The mother looked over at us and noticed she came running over. "Your pretty but whats wrong with your face?" He asked just in time for the mother here. 

"You don't ask that someone, go back to grandma." She pushed the little boy in the direction of the table they were sat at.

The young mother looked closer at my face. "Sorry to ask, but what did you do to your face. Or did someone hit you?" She glanced at Bruce as into say he hit me.

I looked at Bruce to. He just shrugged his shoulder's. "I was out walking and someone hit me." I explained quickly. She seemed shocked. "Oh." 

The baby in her arms started to cry. She bounced it up in down. I watched the baby's face light up. It slowly closed it's bright blue eyes and fell back asleep. Deep inside my stomach, something just twisted. I'll never get to be a mother and watched precious life that I created grow.

My eye's watered. "Your baby is beautiful." I complemented. The baby's eyes opened back up, she looked at me and started giggling. I laughed as the baby raised it's tiny hand.

The mother held it closer to me. I touched the baby's hand, it started doing a little dance. We all started to laugh, that only made me sadder.

"Thank you." She thanked as a tear finally started rolling down my cheek. The mother gave us one last smile and walked back to her family.

I looked back over at Bruce. "Your good with kids." He smiled until he noticed my watered eyes. "Lissa, I think you should got to the restroom." He touched my trembling hands. Why is this affecting me so much.

I nodded and got up. My feet took me in the direction of the restroom, I hope. 

I walked in, no one was in there so I immediately ran to the sink. Something in me I think was causing me to freak out about not able to be pregnant.

I slid down the side of the wall and rested my hands to my head. "I'll never have a child." I whimpered. 

After awhile I stood up. I went to open the door, tears still in my eyes. When I went to push the door open somebody else pushed it from the outside. I started swaying, nearly passing out from hitting my head and bruised cheek. Great, the bruise is gonna get worse now.

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