Jc is sick

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Ok here yall go!!


(It was 3 am when Jc woke up not feeling good. He felt hot and weak and his stomach hurts and he lied there for a few minutes until he felt something in his throat and got up and rushes to the bathroom and got down on his knees and threw up)(In the next room, Kian was awoken by Jc throwing up and he got up to go check on him to see him dry heaving and went over to rub his back)

Kian: you ok J?(Jc shakes head no and kept on dry heaving until he threw up)(he threw up about 5 minutes until he stops and leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath)

Jc: I don't feel good at all

Kian:(felt his forehead)you're burning up

Jc:(starts coughing and rushes over to the toilet and starting throwing up)ugh, I hate this(he threw up about 3 minutes until he got a break)

Kian:(rubs his back)I know, but do you feel a little bit better?

Jc: A little bit

Kian: Do you wanna go back to bed?(Jc nods head and Kian helps him up and into him room and Jc lied down)Do you need anything before I go?

Jc: some sprite(Kian nods head and headed into the kitchen and got some sprite and headed back to Jc and handed it to him)thanks Kian(took small sips and then set it on his nightstand)you can go back to bed now. I'll be alright

Kian: ok. goodnight

Jc: goodnight(Kian shuts his door and then went back to bed and Jc done the same)

(the next morning, Jc woke up feeling bad again and he got up and sat up in his bed and put his head in his hand and heard a knock on his door and looked up and saw Kian)

Kian: hey how do you feel?

Jc: bad. my stomach still hurts and now my head and I feel really weak.

Kian: oh. Can I get you anything?

Jc: nah, I think I'm gonna just sleep it off

Kian: ok well I hope you feel better soon. I gotta edit a video for my channel so I'll be in the living room if you need me

Jc: ok thanks K(Kian left and Jc lied back down and went to sleep)(about 4 hours later, Jc woke up feeling a little bit better and got up and went out to the living room to see Kian watching TV and went to go sit by him)

Kian: hey Jc, how do you feel?

Jc: a little bit better. My headache is gone and I don't feel sick to my stomach, but I do feel a little weak

Kian: oh well maybe you feel a lot better by morning

Jc: I hope so. whatcha watching?

Kian: football

Jc: cool. well I'm gonna get some crackers and head back to my room

Kian: ok(Jc got up to get some crackers and headed back into his room and look on his phone for a hour until he turned it off and plugged it in and went out into the kitchen)hey Jc, I made you some chicken noodle soup if you want it.

Jc: I do. Thanks Kian(he sat down to eat his soup and Kian ate his hamburger he cooked)(after they got done eating, the watched more TV until it got late and they decided to go to bed)well I'm going to bed. Goodnight. Thanks for the soup

Kian: You're welcome. Goodnight. Hope you feel better soon(the walked their separate way and they both got in their bed and went to sleep)

(The next morning, Jc woke up feeling a lot better than he did yesterday, and went into the kitchen to get him a pop tart and he saw Kian walk out rubbing his eyes)

Kian: Hey J, how are you today?

Jc: I'm feeling so much better

Kian: That's good

Jc: Yep. so I'm going to film for my channel. wanna join?(Kian nods head and went to grab a banana and follows Jc to the living and helps him set up his lights while Jc sets his camera up and after that, they got started)Hey Guys! I'm back! sorry I've been away, but I've been sick, but now I'm good as new and ready to act crazy again!(Kian look at him and was glad he felt better to act crazy with him and he smile until Jc said something to him and kian snapped back to reality and the carried on)

Well.. There yall go! I finally undated! sorry it has been so long!

Anyways, I hope yall enjoy this! Let me know what you think!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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