01. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿

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Even after a year had gone by, Eszter felt trapped in a loop, constantly seeing the nightmare when she slept. A dream-like vision is what it felt like. It was too real to be anything remotely similar to a dream. Eszter kept the dream to herself, telling no one but Peter about the Mad Titan who appeared in his dreams; however, the enhanced regretted it because Peter insisted Eszter inform Tony of her situation, but she refuses.

Eszter couldn't describe the feeling that yearned for the power, something the enhanced believes that deep down, the thing that granted her powers is what is calling out. Giving the entity from the Mind Stone a mind of its own, claiming that Eszter has nothing to do with wanting anything to do with Thanos.

Later in the night, Eszter snuck out of her house without Pepper or Tony knowing, searching for the sorcerer that she's heard in the shadows. Eszter doesn't know how or where, but the enhanced somehow found leads that trail to this powerful sorcerer. Eszter found connections and popped in and out of locations, extracting any information on the man that she needs.

Eszter stood in the starry night as the streetlights twinkled in the night, blocking the gleaming stars that light the dark sky. Glancing around her surroundings, Eszter eyes the numbers on the building, surprised that the whispers were true.

Thunder booms across the sky of New York when Eszter looks up, seeing the dark clouds covering the moonlight and the stars, blanketing it. Muttering something incoherent, Eszter walks across the street and makes her way towards the door, pounding her fist hard against the door, the enhanced waits as she tucks her hands back into the pockets of her sweater. She continues to wait and hope for someone to answer, but the enhanced groans in frustration after a minute of waiting.

"Hello?" Eszter shouts, smacking her hand against the door with more urgency. "Anyone home?"

Eszter felt a single raindrop land on her forehead, to her dismay, causing the enhanced to sigh. Dipping her head down, the rain slowly picked up as the sound of the rain hitting the buildings and the ground. Within seconds, the rain showers overhead as it drenches Eszter, making her clothes stick to her body like a second layer of skin.

"Hey, I'm--I'm looking for a doctor. I think there might be something wrong, a--and I think something is coming," Eszter huffs, blinking at the droplets that fell from her lashes. "I shouldn't have done this. This is stupid . . ."

Eszter trembles in the cold as her sniffles were muffled by the rain, though she was glad because the enhanced didn't need anyone hearing her cry to herself. Maybe the tale about the sorcerer wasn't true--the whispers were wrong. Eszter grumbles under her breath, distraught.

Instead, Eszter turns around and descends the large steps as her boots clunk loudly, splashing the small puddle of water. Unaware of the clicking noises from the door, it wasn't until the door creaks open that caught Eszter's attention; when she turns around, the enhanced found no one at the door. Going with caution, Eszter conjures a single energy orb in her hand as he held it up, using it to light the way; lighting the side of her face purple, Eszter trails back up the stairs and slowly into the door.

The room was dark and ominous, but Eszter's energy orb lit the room with a purple hue. Although the enhanced didn't need the light to help her see in the dark, Eszter needed protection before entering the building. Somewhere inside, the enhanced stops upon sensing a presence suddenly appearing--that wasn't there before.

"I know you're in here," Eszter's eyes scan the room, flaring with a soft purple color as she looks better in the dark. "I can feel you."

Much to Eszter's surprise, a bright golden whip wrapped around her wrist like a bracelet, holding the arm that held the energy orb, following the rope, where a Chinese man held the other end. He tugs on the whip, and before Eszter can react, the enhanced yelps when she jerks forward, making her lose her energy orb.

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