10. 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆

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It was like a war zone. The air was thick, and her chest was heaving as much air into her lungs. A slight fog covered the floor as the enhanced seemed almost confused. Everything was a blur. Eszter wasn't sure what had just happened. She quickly examines her surroundings--the area was unfamiliar, she recognized nothing due to the amount of destruction previously occurred.

As if on cue, the fog began to disperse, allowing the teenager more vision of her surroundings; however, Eszter gasps in horror, stumbling away from the figures lying on the ground.

Not again . . .

The enhanced almost trips from one of the bodies from behind her, but Eszter quickly catches herself and quickly jumps away from them; a yelp passed her lips. It was terrifying, to say the least; bodies of people surrounded her, leaving her absolutely puzzled.

This was just like the first nightmares she had just last year; Eszter inhales sharply as her eyes begun to swell up with tears as she stares at the bodies in horror. Like a nightmare, the bodies began to reveal themselves to the enhanced, allowing her to see their faces.

"This isn't real," Eszter gasps in shock. Her hand shoots up to hover over her mouth as she tries to wrap her other arm around her waist. There was nowhere for her to go; the most familiar people were near her, but they were scattered. "This isn't real."

Eszter couldn't suppress the sobs that shook her shoulders, and her eyes swell with tears. The bodies . . . Eszter recognized them. It was like all the other nightmares she's had, and she was living through it all over again. Whimpering lowly, Eszter was forced to look at the bodies that were closest to her.

There were multiple lifeless bodies around her, and they seemed to be people that Eszter has grown to call family.

A figure, in particular, was lying just by her feet. A suited man with a shield lying beside him was cracked in half. Eszter's eyes trailed over his body, and his star was smeared with dirt that was clinging to his suit, likely with the blood that stained the suit. Then, her eyes shifted to his face--his mask was missing, revealing his face that was littered with cuts and bruises.

Another body was lying beside him, stiff on her back as her head was slightly turned, but strangely enough, her eyes were wide open. For a moment, Eszter hoped she had woken up but realized that the woman wasn't even breathing. Her soft blonde hair was clinging to one another, smeared in blood--Eszter was unsure of who's blood.

Then, Eszter found her sister lying among the bodies, and instantly, the enhanced can see flickers of old nightmares. Her mind was jumbled, and Eszter was hysterical; the enhanced was numb. She knew it wasn't real, but damn, everything felt real. Heart pounding loudly against her chest until she could hear it in her ears, Eszter reaches her sister before falling to her knees.

Caressing her face, Eszter brushes Wanda's hair from her face, pulling her body into her arms as she holds her in her lap. Eszter's tears fall from her cheeks and onto Wanda's face, dried dirt and blood dampened by the liquid. The older Maximoff looked to be at peace; her brows weren't furrowed in fear or frustration; they were relaxed as she slept forevermore. Her green eyes were hidden behind her eyelids, keeping them blocked from the world, hiding the lifeless green eyes that must've faded with her. Her once milky skin looked ashy, paler than usual.

Wanda was the last piece of her blood family left, and it felt like a piece of herself had left with her. Losing Pietro was the worst day of her life; Eszter still remembers that day--it haunts her dreams and is a constant reminder that even the fastest people aren't bulletproof. She remembers Wanda being destroyed once she wasn't able to feel her own twin's life source.

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