06. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱'𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗲

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THE BITTER NIGHT WAS SOAKED FROM THE DOWNFALL OF THE RAIN, LIGHTLY FLOODING THE STREETS OF SCOTLAND. The moon reflected brightly against the small puddles formed on the streets, ready for little kids to jump into them for fun. The now grown Maximoff sister was sitting on the bed, a long white sleeved shirt that wraps around her thumbs. Wanda's perfectly straight hair was now a darker red-orange color, all pushed to one side. The witch pressed her white teacup against her chest, a smile sprouts across her lips as her fingers lightly graze over the small photo album her sister had created for her.

Wanda had received a surprise gift from Eszter from across the world. Ever since she became a war criminal, Wanda had avoided the United States as best as she could, which meant sacrificing the chance of ever seeing Eszter. It was heartbreaking, and Wanda didn't want to be separated, but just receiving such a gift brought her a sprits happiness.

The photo album was filled with photos between the two girls--a few of the Maximoff's with Vision before Berlin. Flipping the page, Wanda lets out a small giggle at another photo, and the memory instantly pops into mind.

Vision walks into the room, suddenly curious why his girlfriend's spontaneous touches of laughter filled the room. The humanoid was more of a human than he had once was a year ago; Vision is evolving, and he can manipulate his body into transforming himself into a person--to look like he's a human and hide the stone.

"What's got you all giggly," Vision smiles immediately. The woman's infectious smile spreads.

"Just looking back at the photo album Essie made for me," Wanda looks back down when she grazes her finger over the photo of her and Eszter. "Feels like forever since I last saw her."

"And I am sure you'll see her once more and many more after," Vision grimaces from a horrible feeling near the stone, stifling his small grunts of displeasure.

Vision walks near the bed as he dips down, puckering his lips as he places a small kiss upon Wanda's forehead. The enhanced leans into the kiss as she continues to flips to the next page. There were only two photos at the end--the rest of the album was empty, which was because Eszter planned on sending Wanda her photos from MoMA when she goes on the trip.

Pulling back away, Vision couldn't understand what the stone was trying to tell him. The humanoid walks away as he walks towards the second window, the blinds still closed. Suddenly, Vision strikes the blinds open when a sharp, piercing pain rushes throughout his body. The stone shrieks as if it were trying to communicate with its host but left him dazed with a throbbing feeling and slightly puzzled.

Wanda immediately looks up at the sound of Vision's stifles of pain, and she looks at him worriedly. "Vis? Is it the stone again?"

Vision lightly touches the gem on his forehead, trying to connect with it as he searches for his answers but was left in pain. Confused as to why he was feeling odd.

"It's as if it's speaking to me."

Wanda gently places her cup on top of her nightstand, pushing herself from the large bed, and makes her way over to her boyfriend.

"What does it say?"

"I don't . . . I don't know. But something . . ."

Wanda creases her brows curiously, and she takes her spot in front of his body as she examines his features. The stone glows brightly as it trills once more, sending a large wave of pain, causing Vision to flinch. Wanda immediately takes his face into her hands, trying to get him to look at her as she began to become more concerned by how strong the gem is becoming.

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