13. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗻𝗮𝗽

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LIGHTING STRIKES THROUGH THE SKY. Thanos crashed into the dirt and dragged down the forest as a being from high above demanded it. The figure in the sky was cover with the electricity from the lightning that he commands, eyes glowing white. His cape flows behind him as he descends from the sky, stooping low like a hawk seeking its prey. The God of Thunder pauses his attack, reverses his position; Thor raises Stormbreaker above his head and hurls it downward.

Thanos fires the whole might of the gauntlet against it, but it only creates a rainbow-like stream of power. Not slowing Stormbreaker, slamming right into Thanos' chest.

Thanos grunts as he is down on one knee. Thor lands in front of him with a hateful glare. "I told you . . . you'd die for that."

Pushing Stormbreaker deeper into his chest, Thanos screams in pain as his eyes widen with every cracking sensation he was feeling in his body. Thor merely grimaces as he held Thanos' head in his hand, watching as the Titan suffers. Thor was angry and vengeful; he was broken and different.

The God of Thunder felt no remorse as he watches Thanos whither in pain from his doing, for he deserves a thousand more deaths.

Thanos grunts as he breathes heavily. He weakly starts to speak. "You should have . . ." gripping Thor's shoulder, Thanos spoke more clearly. "You should . . . you should have gone for the head."

Thor screams when Thanos snaps his fingers, everything was white and blinding.


After a bright light blinds them, Thanos returns to reality.

The Titan notices the damage inflicted on the gauntlet--the metal scorched and distorted from heat, the Stones were no longer glowing. The amount of power that Thanos needed to snap half of humanity away was too much for the Stones--this caused it to practically self-destruct, nearly killing him in the process.

"What did you do?" Thor grew angry as he demands an answer. He was frustrated and unsure of what the hell Thanos had done. "What'd you do!"

Thanos nearly seems not to notice Thor as he looks around, slightly confused. He uses the Space Stone to portal himself out of Wakanda, leaving Stormbreaker on the ground. But as he threw himself in the portal, there was a spark of green flares emitting from Thanos' chest where the gash was, reversing the time of his wound.

Thor pants, struggling to breathe as he's worried for what's to come after Thanos fled.

Steve struggles as he limps toward Thor, panting and gripping his side in discomfort. The Captain looks to his friend with a look that could only be defeat, but Thor stares blankly at the ground with Stormbreaker discarded on the ground.

"Where'd he go? Thor. Where'd he go?"

Then it happened. The moment of truth and what they've been wondering what will happen next eventually arrived. A man was walking towards his best friend when he catches a glimpse of his arm disintegrating before his very eyes.

Stumbling forward, the dust began to grow around his feet, and the best friend of the Captain calls out.

"Steve," suddenly, Bucky drops his gun when his other hand could no longer hold it, the man drops, and his body explodes into dust.


"Up, General, up!" T'Challa crawls over towards his friend and General. The woman sits up and takes his hand to jump back up to her feet. "This is no place to die."

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