14. 𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗱

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ON TITAN, TONY MOURNS SILENTLY AT THEIR FAILURE. He mourns over the people he had lost today, and most importantly, he mourns because Thanos had won. Tony had really thought that they could've won this fight--they won over the fight in New York from Loki, yet this one they couldn't.

Tony was angry at himself.

Thanos had came for what he wanted, and for that, it cost millions of lives.

Nebula knows the man is grieving, and though she tries to comfort him for his loss--she had lost her friends as well as her sister.

And now, Tony is light years away from home. Light years away from Pepper.


Only seven people survived in Wakanda. The remaining team members--Steve, Darcy, Thor, Rhodes, Natasha, Bruce, and Rocket are left mourning near Vision's dead body. All mourned for their own as they had failed everyone. There was no way of going back now.

The war is over, and so it seems they had lost this battle.

Steve rushes over to Vision's body, the blond man carefully turns the body over, and Vision's gray corpse is gazing up with no irises in his eyes. It was completely white. Natasha quickly runs over and immediately stops once she sees her friend's dead body before her. She grasps her stomach as it began to twist funnily.

Not too far behind, Darcy hogs over with the group, stumbling to a stop once she sees Vision's body lying lifeless in Steve's arms. It was sickening and hard to look at. Darcy wanted to throw up because of the thought of half of humanity will vanish in a blink of an eye; no one will know why except them.

"What is this," Rhodes asks, not sure exactly what is happening to everyone and where they go. "What the hell is happening?"

But no one bothered to answer.

Everyone was standing with distant eyes and anger and just downright hopeless glints in their eyes. There was no more avenging anything. Not for a while, at least.

Steve falls back until he was sitting on the dirt. He gazes off to the distance, and he sighs heavily in realization once it finally hits him.

"Oh, God."


"Still no word from Stark?"

Maria Hill and Nick Fury, unknown to the situation in the last few hours, were in the dark. Everything that happened in Wakanda and on planet Titan wasn't on their agenda.

"No, not yet. We're watching every satellite in both hemispheres; there's still nothing," then, Maria was receiving three shrilling beeps from her device.

"What is it?"

Maria shakes her head. "Multiple bogeys over Wakanda."

"Same energy as New York?"

"Ten times bigger."

"Tell Klein. We'll meet him at--"

"Nick!" Maria shouts as a car was spiraling out of control in front of them. Fury quickly hits on the breaks as they come to a complete stop, and the two get out of the vehicle as Maria goes around to check on the passengers.

"They okay?"

Maria furrows her brows in confusion. She shakes her head and turns back around. "There's no one here."

They suddenly heard helicopter rotor sounds from the direction they had come from, but it sounded not so good. The tail rotor was smoking from damaged inflicted already, and as it spins out of control, the dust seemed to be spilling from the helicopter. Suddenly, the helicopter crashes nose-first into a building; the screams intensify as they begin running, Maria and Fury witness civilians disintegrating.

"Call Control. Code Red," Fury informs his partner.


Fury turns around, and to his dismay, Maria was disappearing as well, and fast.


Quickly, Fury races back to their car in search of something that he had been holding onto for a very long time; he never thought he'd ever need to use it for a while. However, it seems like an appropriate time. Fury pulls out what appears to be an old pager out from his bag in the backseat; Fury sends out an emergency alert, mere seconds just before his hand started turning into dust.


Fury corrodes to dust. The pager falls from his hand and onto the ground, red lights blinking as it was loading up.

'SENDING . . .'

The word was typed on the pager when suddenly, a red-blue-and-gold star insignia covered the small screen--it was the symbol of Captain Marvel.


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