12. 𝘂𝗽𝗼𝗻 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹

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Darcy swings her staff at an incoming Outrider as it snarls from the hit. The woman skillfully spins the staff when she smacks the creature to the ground. At the sudden voice, there was a large rumbling in the ground as the Earth was being torn open from down under. Darcy's brown eyes widen in sheer shock when she sees four spiked wheels when a Thresher has broken apart into the wheels. The young woman was still by Natasha's side, so as she rushes near the blonde woman, Darcy takes out an Outrider on her way.

"Guys," Natasha uses her escrima sticks to hit the Outrider that was in front of her. Okoye uses her spear to strike the creature before both women see the wheels behind Darcy.

Natasha glances at Darcy, gritting her teeth, but there wouldn't be anything that she can do. Instead, the blonde ex-assassin pulls Darcy into her arms and uses her body as a shield, although it wouldn't be any use. The women sought out their deaths as they saw no escape. They waited for their deaths when it never came.

Wanda lands in front of the three women, eyes glowing red with the intense power she conjures; the woman lifts the whole Thresher clear from the ground, and Wanda glances over her shoulder to see the friendly forces had scattered away and was replaced with a charging mob of Outriders. It was a perfect place to throw a Thresher. Wanda swings her arms down with a grunt as the large wheels flung back to the ground on its side, taking out the Outriders.

Natasha removes her arm from holding Darcy, and all three women straighten back up, and all held amazed and impressed grins. Wanda turns slightly, catching Natasha's eyes. Okoye spins her spear.

"Why was she up there all this time?"

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here," Sam's voice echoes in Darcy's ear, her eyes immediately dart to Wanda.

"Somebody get to Vision!"

"I got him!" Banner calls.

"On my way," Wanda responds but was cut off by someone punching her on the side of her hand, taking her off guard. The woman grunts in pain and shock, rolling down the large ditch created from the Thresher.

Proxima Midnight jumps down, landing beside the witch. As the woman tries crawling away, the alien assassin turns Wanda on her back. "He'll die alone. As will you."

"She's not alone," Natasha spoke softly, glaring at the alien's back head as she watches Proxima turn to her.

Behind the blonde woman was a younger woman with brown short hair, her outfit similar to Black Widow. Her staff was in her hands, and Darcy twists them apart until she has two batons. The woman twists them between her fingers.

On the Proxima's other side, Okoye spins her spear up near her head, pointing the spear end at the assassin. The Wakanda warrior nods her head towards the Avengers. Proxima Midnight lets out an ugly growl as she charges after Natasha. The blonde woman easily deflects it with her own staff, electricity emitting from the touch.

Proxima swings the sword too close to Natasha's head, but the woman was quick to dodge it as she continues to use her staff to block the assassin's hits.

Darcy charges forward with Okoye running from the sides to be with the two women, and all three began fighting Proxima Midnight. The young martial artist kneels, and Natasha rushes forward, stepping on Darcy's back and jumping in the air, she charges from above. Proxima used her own weapon to block the blows but didn't see Darcy coming from below, and the woman uses her batons to hit two blows at Proxima's sides. The alien grunts, swinging her blade near Darcy; the human gasps in shock as she was inches away from the blade. Darcy jumps back and lands on the dirt.

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