27. 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗹𝗲!

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SOMETHING WEIRD HAPPENED AFTER BRUCE SNAPPED HIS FINGERS. It was safe to say that everything was back to normal, especially after Clint got a phone call from his wife. There were figures on the ground where they last once were five years ago, sleeping for the past five years. A young teenage girl was sleeping beside a teenage boy while everyone else was sleeping a bit further from them.

Lying on the ground, Eszter Maximoff was sleeping soundlessly on the rubble ground of Titan, where she was last seen before she turned into dust and 'died' for the past five years. From her perspective, Eszter has been sleeping for five years as if she was sleeping until the sun would rise the next day. Her skin wasn't wounded like it once was. It was like Eszter's body healed over the time-lapse of being asleep in another world. Eszter's eyes began to move about underneath her eyelids, brows crinkling when she can see a bright light glaring down on her face; the enhanced's body jerks when memories began to flood her mind, like a nightmare she wishes she could stop, the girl was almost stuck.

Explosions and pain scared her in her sleep, someone shook her awake, but Eszter stayed asleep. The enhanced jumps at another memory, and all of a sudden, Eszter's eyes open widely with a gasp of air, the teenager sits up abruptly. Her heart was racing against her chest, confused as to what had just happened; Eszter looks around to find Peter and Doctor Strange kneeled beside her with worried looks. Behind them, Quill and his friends were hugging it out.

"Peter," Eszter breathes out. She jumps into her friend's arms and instantly wraps her arms around his neck, while he immediately wraps around the enhanced's waist. They sat like that for only a few seconds before she pulls back. Her hands cup his face as she scrutinizes him. "What happened?"

The enhanced's lets her hands fall from Peter's face, who grabbed one of her hands to hold onto because he feared that whatever the hell just happened, his friend would disappear. Eszter grasps his hand, and she was helped onto her feet. The enhanced's looks around to see she was still on Titan.

"I--I don't know! Mr. Strange said something about us sleeping for five years," Peter tried to explain, but Eszter was still taken aback.

Eszter looks back to Strange. "We've been sleeping for five years," the wizard confirms.

The enhanced crinkles her brows, the way her chin juts onwards, and the look she was giving them, Eszter itches the top of her head and looks around. "Sle--what? That's . . . no, that's not possible," she quickly denies. "The last thing I remember is turning to dust."

"Yeah, but that was five years ago," Peter explains.

Quill and his friends walked over, seeming to be just as confused. "So, you wanna explain this to the whole class? 'Cause some, not me obviously, but some of us need a better explanation, so . . ." Quill waves his hands, trying to indicate that Drax and Mantis needed a better explanation.

Strange rolls his eyes. "We've been asleep for the past five years, basically in another world where everyone who snapped away," he tries to simplify an explanation for everyone to understand, but it just baffled everyone.

"Wait, wait," Eszter stops the wizard. "You're telling me that . . . we're back? Like, as in, back alive?"

"Yes, just five years in the future."

"Then how come we didn't age?" Quill retorts. He crosses his arms across his chest.

Eszter really looks at everyone, examining their features, and that's when she actually notices it--they were young and still the same way she had last seen them. Before they dusted, no one actually had changed since she last remembered.

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