16. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗵

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IT WAS STRANGELY SILENT ON EARTH. With half of its population vanished from existence, the world was frantic and terrified of what might've happened. All around the world, news about aliens entering New York caused a great amount of fear, but never did they think it would lead to this. One by one, people were turning into dust, erasing them from existence and elsewhere--where to? People still don't know.

Mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters, to friends and cousins, and lovers; those who vanished weren't spared by the Mighty Thanos.

Nearly three weeks since everyone had vanished, Darcy had sat in the corners of rooms whenever the Avengers would have a little conference on what they've discovered. But each time, neither of them had any new links as to where Thanos might be. Darcy was scarred. Thanos had struck this fear so deep inside her heart, a fear the girl never thought she'd ever feel because of who she became. Darcy was scared. She saw them--Darcy saw the dust flying in the wind, half of her friends ceasing to exist.

Many of them she's known for quite a while, but some she had barely met and was hoping to get to know each of them more. But it was too late. Everyone she has met had vanished, and all she has left are those in the Compound. Darcy didn't have anyone if it weren't for Steve. She'd be alone and terrified without the comfort and company she receives from Steve and his friends. Part of a family, Darcy actually felt that same love once upon a time ago.

And then there's Tony.

God, Darcy can only hope her friend had survived the snap and was just somewhere out there, on his way back to where they are. There was nothing about Tony, but the new woman, Carol Danvers, had set out into space searching for the man. Ever since the young woman was awoken from her deep slumber, turned into Ghost, Darcy had never stopped thinking of Tony. That sweet boy she remembered all so clearly. The intelligent boy who had sarcastic comments whenever Darcy would try to converse with him; never a day had gone by when Darcy hoped that she'd go back home to see him.

But then things went south that day when she escaped, and the Winter Soldier searched for her and the triggering words. Darcy was in no state of mind to see Tony because she feared many things, but she was most scared that he wouldn't accept her.

Darcy shuts her eyes at the thoughts that were starting to cloud her mind, old memories were resurfacing, and she was trying her best not to let it get to her--the thoughts of her attempt battle with Thanos.

Sniffles suddenly filled her room, a room that wasn't even hers to begin with; Darcy didn't know which room she was actually in. Steve had given her a room for the meantime, and the young woman couldn't help but feel so guilty for taking the person's room. There weren't many personal items, but Darcy knew it was a female room.

With her trembling hands raised to her face, Darcy smears the tears dry from her cheeks, dropping her hands back into her lap. The young woman could feel her body trembling as she silently cries to herself, jaw slacking as she scrunches her face in agony, practically screaming without any sound. The pain and grief she was feeling, the sadness and anger. It was starting to topple from the bottle, but Darcy saw no outlet to the demons inside her. They tortured her for weeks since the day of the snap, and Darcy allowed them to torment her mind.

Behind closed doors, Darcy is this broken and scared little girl that she once was, but outside this room, Darcy was fierce and poised.

It felt like hours until her mind decided to cease her torturous thoughts of the fight. Darcy sat on the bed with her arms wrapped around her knees. Her puffy cheeks rest on her knee, staring blankly at the walls covered with posters; Darcy felt exhausted after a whole day of feeling a little blue. Her eyes begging to close as they were tired of crying for hours. It was so weird. Darcy has never felt this way, but ever since Hydra, the young woman feels like she has no control of her mind.

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