05. 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘀

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ESZTER NODS HER HEAD TO THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC, SUNFLOWER BURSTING THROUGH THE EARPHONES. Humming along to the song, the girl had grown to like the hot new song; the song's beat instantly reeled her in. It was like you could immediately start singing as soon as the music begins. The lyrics have this way of capturing the listener's ear. You have this feeling when listening to a song that becomes one of your favorites; you can't help but belt out the lyrics at the top of your lungs.

That's how Eszter feels, although the enhanced doesn't know the lyrics all too well.

Eszter waves her finger along with the singer's voice, moving her finger up when he would sing a higher tone and down when he would sing a lower tone. Unknowingly, her feet tapped to the beat of the song, an instinct that spontaneously happens as soon as she becomes more intrigued with the song.

Then, her right earbud was pulled out from her ear, causing her to look to the person who decided to interrupt her favorite song. Peter had reached for the earpiece, placing it into his own--Eszter couldn't help but grimace; she had never been fond of sharing earbuds but refrained herself from commenting.

"What're you listening to?"

"Sunflower," Eszter watches for Peter's reaction, and just like her, the boy bobs his head with the beat. "It's by Post Malone and . . . Swae Lee."

"Sunflower? I never heard of this," Peter smiles as he finds the rhythm of the song catchy. "This is so good."

"Right," Eszter agrees cheerfully, smiling widely as she hums along with the lyrics.

Peter glances up at the girl, and her dimple was more prominent as she closes her eyes, enjoying the music as she listens. He couldn't help but admire the way she looks, peaceful and plain beautiful--God, Peter's so swooned. Eszter purses her lips, a small smile on her face as she knew he was staring at her, but she pretends she doesn't.

Suddenly, the music ends and trails to another song, Never Be Alone, playing in their ears.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer."

Peter grins, tilting his head to look at the girl better; Eszter peeks an eye open, she opens her eyes more as she tilts her head more down. The enhanced chews on her bottom lip, her green eyes shift down to his thin lips. Eszter wonders if it's normal to want to feel his lips pressed against hers.

It's still unbelievable. Eszter never thought she'd ever think that, wanting to kiss her best friend because they're somewhat together? Not officially, but they've been talking and waiting for the perfect opportunity to finally ask. Boyfriend--that's what he'd be one day. He'd be her boyfriend, and sometimes Eszter is still in disbelief of the idea.

"I would, but then you'd just break my phone," Peter slickly comments, smirking at the reaction Eszter had.

Gasping in a playful offense, the enhanced sits up, laughing slightly as she smacks Peter's arm; the two burst into a fit of laughter because they had both found it rather hilarious. This was what Eszter wanted--two best friends, who like each other, still being able to tease and make fun of each other without hurting one's feelings.

Eszter giggles; she snakes her hand on his shoulder, dragging her hand to the back of his neck as she plays with the small hair at the back of his head. In a moment of silence between the two, Peter shifts in embarrassment, seeming to become shyer than Eszter, but she found it adorable. It was cute to see Peter become the shy one when she's usually the shy one, but it makes her feel more assured of his feelings.

But then something odd ruined their moment. When things were becoming less awkward and finally becoming more comfortable, something decided to rain on their parade.

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