That hurt

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Fh/s= favorite hype song
Disclaimer! Yes I know the video posted above has Corey in it but just imagine Corey as yourself when you play it. I just like for people to have visuals because I know for me it makes the story ten times better!

"Are you ready to break some bones??" Elton cheered as we all pulled into the gym.
"Yeah!" Corey sarcastically cheered back.
We all walked in and got settled.
We had started off with a few shown tricks that I couldn't even think about attempting. I watched the guys do the tricks. I was watching Colby as he was about to do the trick. He stuck the landing and my stomach flipped a little. I definitely have a crush on him but only Elton knows. He's basically my older brother so he can just look at me and know everything I think.
He pulled me over to the side and said "I know you're scared but can you try just one?" He begged.
"No. Way. Never gonna happen." I spoke.
"Hey, if you do and you get hurt, I'll distract everyone so Colby can carry you." He winked and laughed. My face went crimson red and I chuckled.
"Haha real funny Elton." I mocked, slapping his bicep.
"Come on. Just one!"
"Maybe later." I sighed and rubbed my arm.
Is it weird I was actually considering doing it for the chance that Colby would hold me? I thought to myself. I hadn't watched anyone else do tricks, I was stuck in my own mind.
"Hey whatcha thinking about? You seem pretty busy over here!" Corey said as he walked over, rubbing his elbow.
"Huh? Oh nothing. Just kinda bored." I shrugged.
"Oh I get that. Parkour isn't my thing either. Kinda a scaredy-cat." He laughed.
I scoffed "relatable." I mumbled.
"But I really think you should try it. It gets you out of your comfort zone." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at it and frowned.
I pushed his hand off and said "it's called a comfort zone for a reason. Makes it sound inviting so you stay." I snarked.
It was true, I'm just too much of a baby to do it. I just can't do it.
I walked away from him and walked up the white stairs to the office. I was told I could hang there until it was over if I got bored. I don't know why they brought me here. Maybe they actually thought I was gonna do something. I slumped in the corner and turned on my phone. I put in headphones and shuffled my music. I just sat there drawing on the one piece of paper I had. I saw the door open and it was Elton.
"Come on. Please?" He said just standing by the door.
"No." I said simply and looked back down. He snatched my phone, my headphones still in my ears.
He scrolled and then I heard fh/s come on.
"You know me too well and it bugs me." I snarled and squinted.
"Love you too, stacks!" My nickname was stacks because when I was little I'd eat so many pancakes and Elton was so confused on how I could fit so much in my body. He knew that this song motivates me to do stuff, even crazy stuff.
I tried to resist as he looked at me.
The song hit the second chorus and I couldn't do it.
"FINE! I'll do ONE trick." He cheered and clapped.
We walked out and Elton shouted "she's gonna do it!"
Everyone cheered and I walked to the floor.
I breathed in shakily.
I ran and jumped over the hurdle doing a flip. I landed and smiled.
Everyone cheered. But soon their faces turned to concern. I looked up and a board from the upstairs wall was coming down. I covered myself but I felt it smack my head. I heard a crack and passed out.

Elton's pov
"F*CK!" I shouted as I ran toward her.
"COREY CALL 911!" I shouted.
I told her that if she did it and she got hurt I'd let Colby help her. And I keep my promises.
"Colby go try to get her awake!" I shouted at him. He had no hesitation to run to her."
(Play video go to 4:23 and watch till 4:28 *preferably play with sound off so it's just visual.*)

Colby's pov
"Y/n! Y/n. Wake up! Come on!" I shook her. She was unresponsive. "Come on!" I was knelt down next to her. "Come on open your eyes!" I placed her on my lap. She opened her eyes
"There you go beautiful." I whispered but I know she heard me.
"Colby?" She croaked.
"Hey hey. I'm here."
"Hi." She smiled.
"Hi." I laughed.
"That hurt." She laughed her voice still raspy from the wind being knocked out of her.
I wanted to cry from happiness. She was okay.
I helped her sit up and she grabbed her head. She tried to stand up but she tumbled backward. I caught her, luckily I was looking.

Your pov
My head was spinning. I stood up and fumbled back, I felt my ankle roll. I anticipated the floor but I just felt arms and heard breathing.
I look up and saw Colby smiling at me.
"Wow. Are you falling for me?" He joked.
"You wish brock." I laughed.
He pushed me up and I flinched as I felt a pinch in my ankle.
"Ouch!" I shouted.
"You Okay?" He asked.
"No my ankles really fricked up."
Elton walked back and he smirked at me as I leaned on Colby.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I hurt my ankle. I can't walk on it."
"Well Just lean on me." Colby spoke.
"Or you could just pick her up and carry her." Elton half joked.
Without knowing I was swept off my feet and I felt one arm under my knees and one under my armpit.
"Well lets go!" Colby laughed carrying me out to the car.
We got in the car. Colby decided to drive me alone to the doctor to let the others have fun.
It was quiet, Colby driving, me looking out the window.
"Hey Colby?" I asked finally getting the courage to talk to him.
"Yeah?" He asked back.
"Did you... did you call me beautiful?" I asked hesitantly.
"Y-yeah. I did." He blushed and smiled.
"Well... thanks. It means a lot to me."
We pulled into the parking lot and we just sat there. I looked at him and he looked at me. He soon moved quickly leaning toward me. I moved in too and connected our lips. It was a soft kiss but passionate. I let go lightly and fluttered my eyes open. He smiled and looked down at his hands.
"We should get you in and get checked." He said after clearing his throat.
I smiled and waited for him to come pick me up.
We walked in and the doctor seated me.
"So who's with you today your boyfriend?"
"Yes. I'm her boyfriend." He smiled.
"Okay. Well I'm gonna steal her for a minute to take some xrays and then we will be back."
He set me in a wheel chair and wheeled me back.
~Time skip~
"Well it looks like she has a sprained ankle. Not broken."
"Thank god." Colby sighed.
"But she also does seem to have a concussion."
"Fun." I said laughing.
"Well just take care of her and she'll be fine."
"Okay. Will do sir." He walked me out, me on crutches.
I struggled getting into the car. I huffed when I finally got in and I looked at him.
"You poor thing." He chuckled.
"It's okay. I got you with me."
He kissed my forehead and drove back to the gym.

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