Pool accident

225 5 0

Warning: pretty graphic
Also set in trap house

Colby, Aaron, Corey, Sam, Elton, Kat, devyn and I were all gonna chill outside all day today.
I had gotten up early this morning from excitement and headed down the stairs.
"Morning beeches!!" I said putting my sunglasses on top of my head.
"Morning!" They all replied.
I laughed and sat down as I ate breakfast.
"So what do we have planned for today?" Corey asked with his mouth full of food.
"Well the pool is always open and we have the water guns out and the hose is always an option." Elton said while closing the fridge that he had gotten into.
"Yeah And we can always go to the store to get stuff." Aaron added as he shrugged.
"Fine by me!" Sam said as he scooped cereal into his face.
I stayed silent the whole conversation because I wanted to get my food eaten so I could go outside.
I stepped outside and sighed contently as I made my happiness come true.
I was the first one done eating by a long shot so I was gonna be outside by myself for a while. I set down my towel and sat by the edge of the pool.
I waited for half an hour before everyone else joined.
The birds chirped as I sat in silence and peace. I laid back in the sun, feeling my skin react to the rays.
I almost fell asleep when it suddenly got cold and dark.
I open my eyes to see Colby standing over me.
"You're in my way of the sun." I jokingly mock
"Bitch I am the sun!" He shouted
I laughed and got up from the side of the pool
I walked over to him and put my arms around his bare waist.
"You ready for some pool time?" Colby asked excitedly as he cupped his hands around my jaw.
I smiled signaling a yes and he kissed me quickly.
The door opened and everyone else ran out. The two girls jumped right into the pool while all the other guys picked up the water guns and started battling each other.
After the battle Elton won and Corey lost so Corey had to get pushed into the pool by Elton.
"Come on Corey!" Elton chuckled.
Corey clung onto Elton and didn't let go.
"I can still take you to the pool." Elton laughed.
"Elton! Elton!" Corey shouted as they shuffled over to the pool.
Corey was hanging over the edge of the pool and Elton was shimming Corey off of him.
"Elton! Elton no! I don't care how much you won or how much I lost!" Corey gripped harder.
"Well Fine then." Elton took off into the pool and Corey went with him.
We all laughed until we cried.

The day had calmed down now and it was just relaxing.
Corey and devyn were on rafts.
Elton and Aaron were going over fight strategies.
Sam Kat and Colby were all just hanging out and I was just sitting by the edge of the pool.
I heard feet walking up behind me and then someone sat next to me.
I looked over and it was Colby.
"Hey babes." I smiled.
"Hey princess." He smiled back.
"Why don't... uh... why don't you take a swim?" He asked pointing to the pool in front of me.
I shrugged.
"Eh. I don't really feel like it."
He left it there but continued to talk to me.
After a while I decided to jump into the pool.
I stood there for a minute, just waiting for the right time.
But soon, the jump came for me.
I felt hands press on my back and I slipped.
I knocked my head. I felt and heard a loud crack as my head rebounded off of the edge of the pool. And that's where it all stopped for me. Complete and total darkness.

Elton's pov
I saw y/n standing by the edge of the pool and so I decided I'll just push her in. I judged her a little and instead of her going forward, she slipped backward.
I watched -it seemed in slow motion- as her head smacked the concrete.
She started to pour out blood as she lay unconscious.
Kat and devyn screamed and Sam let out a loud "holy shit!"
"COLBY!!" I shouted as I ran.

Colby's pov 
"COLBY!!" Elton called again
I bolted into the back yard because something had to be wrong
"What happened?"
"It's y/n."
With that I took off to the pool
I looked down to see Aaron cradling her head with a blood soaked towel.
"Holy fuck!" I cursed.
I ran to her and asked what happened.
"Elton tried to push her in but she fell backward instead of forward." Aaron explained
"I'm so sorry Colby!"
I shook my head and Aaron passed y/n to me and I had Aaron call 911.
"Yes we have an unconscious girl. She hit her head on the pool. Address is 9276 fernfield drive."
Aaron hung up.
"The lady said to keep pressure on the back of her head until they get here."
I pressed my hand on the back of her cracked head and just waited.
It was the slowest ten minutes of my life.
"Come on, princess. You're so strong. This is nothing. You're strong, princess."
The ambulance and two police cars had showed up and I got into the ambulance with y/n

I waited
And waited
And waited
And waited
It felt like forever
The rest of the group had shown up and we waited some more.
Soon after the doctors came out and said that she was okay.
I was so happy I could have cried.

The next morning was just like the day after that and the day after that and the day after that.
But when it was the fifth day, she was released.
"Ya know. That's fairly quick. Some people would need two more days for an injury like that. She's very strong." The doctor smiled.
I couldn't help but smile myself.
"I know. It's kinda creepy how well she can recover."
"You picked a good girl." The doctor nodded.
"Thank you doctor."
Soon y/n came out of the room in a wheelchair pushed by a nurse.
"Let's get you home doll." She patted her shoulder. I was the only one left here after so many days. I walked next to my girlfriend as she got into the car.
I got into the drivers seat and driver her home.
It was silent most of the way until y/n spoke.
"I love you Colby. Thank you for staying with me."
I grabbed her hand and replied "I would never leave you."

We got home and everyone was waiting at the house since I told them she would be released today.
I helped her inside and as soon as we opened the door everyone came running to her.
"Woah woah, be careful she's still not completely healed."
"How long is that gonna take?" Aaron asked
"A couple months." Y/n spoke
"Well can I at least lightly hug you?" Corey shrugged
"Sure." She smiled.
Corey lightly pulled her to him and she hugged him.
"It's good to have you back." The girls said as they both hugged me.
"Where's Elton?" Y/n asked.
"ELTON!" Colby shouted.
Elton slugged out of his garage and saw me and y/n. His eyebrows raised and he came over and hugged y/n.
"I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt. I'm sorry. I feel so bad. Please don't hate me."
"Elton I don't hate you. It would take a lot for me to hate you." She reassured.
Elton moved back from her and I helped her up to our shared room.

Your pov
"Wanna lay down?" Colby asked.
"Sure." I shrugged. Colby helped me sit and then lay my head back.
Colby got in next to me and turned to face me.
"You really forget how free you are until you are restrained." I sighed as I thought about how we needed two people to help me just lay down.
Colby brushed the hair from my face and smiled.
"It will all be okay soon princess."
"I know." I nodded. And I did. But it just sucked right now.
But with him laying next to me and knowing I have many friends who care just the same, I'll definitely be okay.

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