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"Colby I feel weird here." Y/n pipes up as she clings to herself.
The bright camera light flashed onto her as she stood behind Colby in the camera view.
"It's okay y/n, you're fine here. Nothing can get you. Plus, you'll be with us all night."
He pointed the camera at the rest of the group which consisted of Sam, Corey, Aaron and Elton.
She sighed loudly and stepped a little closer to Colby, her boyfriend, and he chuckled a little at her frightened demeanor.
Colby turned off the camera and continued to walk with her.
He grabbed her hand and she grabbed his arm and walked closer to him.
Soon, the group got to a stop which was an abandoned building by a lake front.
Y/n let go of colbys hand as she stopped in front of the building.
"I can't go in. I literally can't make myself go in."
Colby looked back at his paralyzed girlfriend and sighed.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.
Y/n stood tense the entire time in the cabin.
She felt an overwhelming sense of control and darkness.
Colby set up the camera and talked about how the ghost who haunts the place is a woman. She got murdered by her husband who cheated on her and didn't want to get in trouble so he murdered her before she found out.
Later he was convicted and sent to jail for life.
"The woman is said to possess female bodies and attempt to kill anyone who looks like her husband."
That sent chills down y/n's spine.
After the chills fell over her, her stomach started to turn and nausea waved over her.
"I don't feel good." She squeaked as she grabbed her stomach.
Colby whipped around to see her bending over.
Everyone rushed to her and noticed she looked paler then ever.
"All the symptoms are signs of possession." Corey realized as Colby set y/n on the couch.
"Is that really logical though corey?" Sam pointed out as he tried to stay within sanity.
"It is." Colby piped up.
"She was completely fine all day until now. She just became sick all of a sudden, how is that normal?" Colby asked.
"She could just be feeling sick from all the stuff in the house." Elton butted in.
"Then why aren't the rest of us feeling it?" Corey asked.
"Maybe she just has a weaker immune system." Aaron shrugged.
"She actually never gets sick. We've been dating for over a year and I've only seen her sick once." Colby noted.
"Here, let's put all these facts together. She rarely gets sick. She's been uncomfortable about this all day. She's said she can't bring herself to go in. She's the only girl here, she's the only sick one and the woman who haunts this place ONLY haunts other woman." Corey connected to everyone else.
"You're right. Maybe we should sage her." Everyone looked back to where y/n was sitting but she was gone.
They all frantically started searching for her but she was nowhere.
Y/n was upstairs. She was in a small bathroom looking at a mirror. She stroked the side of the mirror and then raised her fist and struck the glass. It shattered and she picked up a piece of glass with a pointed edge.
The piece was big and thick enough to do some heavy damage.
Y/n walked downstairs with the piece behind her back.
"Oh there you are! Thank god! We were looking for you! Colby is worried sick." Sam sighed.
"Where's Elton?" Y/n asked calmly.
"H-hes in the kitchen, why?"
She looked past sam and walked into the kitchen.
"There you are Elton!"
"Y/n! Thank god we found you!"
"Yes. I'm glad I found you too." She smirked devilishly.
"Are you okay? You seem funny."
"Oh? Do I? Well, it won't matter anyway, because you won't live long enough to wonder why anymore."
Y/n lunged at Elton and threw the glass shard down onto him. It stabbed him in the shoulder and he screamed in pain.
The rest of the boys walked in and tried to pull y/n off but she kept fighting back.
As she tried to thrust the shard down again, it cut into y/ns hand because of the grip she held on it.
Blood dripped onto Elton as he tried to shove her off.
Y/n screamed bloody murder as they tried to pry her off.
"Someone get the sage!" Colby shouted.
Corey reached into the bag and got the sage, a cross and a bible in hopes anything would work.
Sam got a bit of salt and poured it in a circle around her.
Corey wrapped the cross around her wrist and lit the sage. Colby saged his girlfriend and she slowly stopped fighting back.
She fell backward onto the floor in exhaustion and laid down.
"We need to get out of here. NOW!" Elton shouted.
Everyone packed their stuff and got ready to leave.
Y/n leaned on Colby as they ran out of the cabin.
They all got into the car and sat there in silence.
"I told you i didn't like that place." Y/n mumbled as she cuddled into Colby.
"I'm so sorry." Colby pleaded.
"Elton? I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it." Y/n apologized.
"It's okay. I know it wasn't you. I don't blame you." Elton held his shoulder and y/n held her hand as both spots on them bled.
They both got to a doctor and got fixed up.
Y/n passed out on Colby on the way home.
"We really need to protect her. I forget she's more easily susceptible to these things because she's a girl." Colby spoke softly as he looked at her and moved a piece of hair out of her face.
"I know. We are so used to it just being the boys that we forget about her." Aaron agreed.
"Right. We gotta remember her." Corey nodded.
"I will never forget about tonight." Sam sighed.
"How do you think she feels?" Colby shook his head.
"She's gonna have nightmares for weeks."

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