Chapter 11

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Mkay! So! Sorry I havent't been on...or updating in a really really long time. I got writers block? know what...I don't have an excuse. I just got bored and caught up in other stuff. I really love this story and all it's just im not sure exactly where i want it to go. I'm getting all  mixed up with my story and other stories i'm doing with my friend. I think i've got most of it down though. So i'm still thinking about some more things to add to the story to make it all crazy and stuff, but for now i think i may just stick with the basics. :] Sorry about grammar and all that crap in this chapter and others...its not edited...and my laptop gets annoying and all this other junk. its complicated. lol so im gonna start the chapter now...and shut up....yeah...hope u like the chapter!



Fan (please? *gives One Direction poster* ;D)

Love One Direction <3


Harry's pov

I yawned and opened my eyes slightly. The unfamiliar surroundings of....Maggie's room. I was in Maggie's room. I smirked to myself and looked around her room. I looked to my left and there she was all curled up beside me with my arm still around her. She's so beautiful. When she sleeps. When she's awake. When she's day dreaming. It doesn't matter. She's always pretty. I wish she could see that about herself. It bugs me when girls don't realise how beautiful they are. They doubt themselves and think that all guys think about is outter appearance. Some don't. I try not to. Even though I may be a guy,,,and yes... all of those type of thought still run in my head I still try to remind myself what really matters is what's in the inside. If she could just see that...that she doesn't have to have the perfect body...or nicest hair to be beautiful then maybe she would smile alot more. She smiles a ton when she's with me an the guys, but I know somewhere deep down past her eyes she's hiding her feelings.

She turned over and faced the window. Her hair fell in her face and slightly moved every time she took a breath. I took my arm back and reached into my pocket and looked at my phone. It was 11 am. I bet the guys are wondering where I was at...or maybe they were thinking I was still alseep. None-the-less I think I should atleast text Liam and tell him I'm with Maggie.

I texted him. "Hey Li. I'm at Mags and I'm not sure when I'll be back so...just so you know. :)"

Li  replied within a few minutes. " K. Your with Maggie? When did you leave? I never heard the door this morning?"

" I came in the middle of the night. She had a nightmare apparently. Scared her half to death so I came to comfort her." I replied.

" You stayed the night at Maggie's..." Really Liam? Yes. Yes I did. Do you have a problem with that Mr. Daddy Direction?

"Yes..."  I texted.

" ;D Well well did u comfort her?"

"Stop being a perv. I just told her it was a nightmare and listened to what she had to say."

"I'm not being a perv! I didn't say anything. You assumed I did so that makes you the perv." Liam replied.

"I'll talk to u later -.-"

";) See you in awhile." He replied and I quit texting him.

By that time Maggie was moving about as though she was uncomfortable. Wonder if I should wake her up...if she's having another bad dream. I bit my lip and looked at her. She had a dream about a reaper...coming to kill her. I disappeared along with her lifeless body that was apparently in a hospital bed. Gosh...that must of been a freaky dream... pure white room and then a huge black shadow creeping up the walls to get her. Sucking the life out of her. I pondered over this for a second. I broke out of my train of thought when she woke up.

"Mmm..." She turned over and looked up at me since she has scooted down onto the bed, and I was still leaned up against the head board slightly. She smiled tiredly at me. "Morning..."

"Morning, love."  I smiled down at her.

"This is so strange...waking up to you...and this.....err...yeah." She giggled slightly and smiled. "Thanks again for last night...I was really freaked out...and..I needed someone to go to." She mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't quit make out.

"Yeah. No problem. I'm always here for you Mags. Always." I sat up completely and so did she.

She nodded and got up. "I'll be back in a second." She walked into her closet and shut it.

I looked at my phoen that had just buzzed. Louis...

"Hey! Where are you?"

I sighed slightly. I know even though we sorted things out last night that something was still up. Louis still wasn't telling me everything. I know how he feels...or atleast I think I do. He's good at hiding things when he wants to. Even if he does slip...I know not to push him. He'll get upset..and that's the last thing I want to do. Is tick him off.

Maggie walked back out in black jean shorts and a black t-shirt that had Gir on it. I chuckled lightly and smiled at her. Her hair was still frizzed and messy from all the moving she did in her sleep. She wore green converse also.

"What do ya think?" She spun  around once and put  her hands behind her back and smiled. "I still need like five more minutes okay?"

I nodded. "I didn't really bring clothes..." I chuckled. "I just came in sweats and a t-shirt. Kinda in a rush to make sure you were okay.."

She smiled at me. "It really does mean alot Haz...thanks." She walked into her bathroom and I assume she was doing her  hair and make-up.

Another buzz. Louis again. Crud I forgot about his last text. Errr....I looked blankly at the text and then went into thought and rambled on in my head.

"Harry....? Are you okay....?" Maggie was standing at the end of the bed looking at me with a questionable grin across her face.

"Huh...uh y-yeah. Just thinking." I quickly made my screen go black and shoved my phone in my pocket.

"Okay then. Wanna go to your place? Figure out what we're going to do today?"

I got up. "Sounds good." I got the Charger's keys out of my pocket and followed her down the steps and outside.

We both hopped into the car and I turned the car on. I slowly backed out of her driveway and started heading back to the buys and my flat. She turned up the radio and we both sung along to the songs we liked. I like the sound of her voice. I smiled and kept driving for another five minutes. I pulled into the flat and turned off the car. I got out and went around and opened her door for her.

"Still a gentlemen even when your wearing sweats and a t-shirt." She smirked.

I chuckled. "Just being nice." I walked up to the door holding her hand. "Shiz...I forgot the keys to the flat when I left  last night."

"Usually normal people use the doorbell then...or knock." She knudged me and laughed with a smile on her face.

I pressed the doorbell and rolled my eyes jokingly at her. Louis answered....and Maggie's face went blank? What's up with them...?

"Your back...I see." Louis looked at both of us. I could tell in his eyes he was confused and still hurt. I never meant for this crap to happen. If I go in one relationship the other gets ruined. I looked at Louis.

"I had to go see her last night-" I tried to say but he had already walked upstairs.

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