Chapter 16- Live While We're Young :D

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Hey peoplez! So Chapter 16 now! I feel like this will be a very...very....long book. Not sure though. Cause honestly I haven't really put a main problem in it yet. I'm still gathering ideas for the main conflict. For now i'm just building up to a certain point I guess. So yeah.  OH AND LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG IS AMAZAYN!!!!! OMIGOSH!!! XD! *fangirls* just happens. Their single LWWY is just really amazayn...i've probably listened to it about 50 kidding. the topic of my dedication for One Direction. I want to dedicate this chapter to one of my newest fans Hannah_Styles0107 (sorry if I spelled your name wrong :p) cause she seems really sweet and I love her profile picture XD. I love getting fans anyway...hah. Well yeah :]


Harry found him!....well Niall did, but you know what I mean ;D




Love One Direction with a passion!


Louis's pov...

"H-Harry...." I tried to force a word out instead of tears. I was filled with joy, yet I still felt like everything was wrong.

"Louis....why'd you leave?" He frowned at me.

"I..." I sighed and lowered my head. "I just feel like I'm always in the way. I felt like it was better if I just wasn't around..."

"No....Lou....I need you. Your my best friend. It killed me knowing I couldn't be with had gotten upset....and I wasn't there for you. I wanted to be...." Oh Haz...

"I'm really sorry Harry...I am...." I wrapped my arms around him pulling him over to me and off of his swing.

He buried his face into my neck. "Please don't leave again...that was the worst feeling I've ever had. Knowing we weren't on good terms...."

I nodded and kept my arms around him. I missed him so much.

"L-Lou...?" He stumbles out the words.

"Yeah..." I rubbed his back and stayed strong. I'm not going to cry...not going to cry.

"Does this mean you'll move back into my room?" He looked up at me since he was now on my lap on the swing I was in. When all of this drama started I had moved out into the guest room and made that my room. I nodded at him and smiled at him.

He smiled back showing his dimples. I missed that smile...

" back and call Maggie." The dreaded subject was brought up...great. I have to deal when both of them at the same time. Not my idea of a good night.

"I guess..." I bit my lip wishing she wasn't even in the picture. To think of it...maybe SHE was the problem here. It all depends on what's happening....if everythings going smooth then I love her....if everythings going crazy...I hate her...Why?!?! ...

He got up and I got up after him. Honestly, this was a really tough night. I missed Harry...I screwed up with Maggie...everything still felt terrible. I don't know if I feel like being alone or if I just want a friend to be there for me.  I don't even know what I'm feeling...maybe lost? I've lost everything's all right in front of me. I-

My stomach made a loud growling noise. Oh, right...I hadn't eaten in what?...Two days..or so...maybe three. I lost count.

"Dang Boo...You sound hungry." He chuckled. I could feel the tension and situation starting to lighten up again.

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