Epilogue (Harry's POV)~ Forever In My Heart

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  • Dedicated to My Readers <3 xx :]

Ooooookay! Here's the epilogue...honestly I couldn't wait..so I did it anyway. Besides I got another comment and vote. Thanks so much for commenting and voting on my chapters guyss!!!! If you did  vote or comment then your amazayn! I love getting fans, comments, and votes so yeah. I was so excited to write this cause I was like...you have Maggie's pov for the last chapter...but wouldn't they like to know what happened to Harry? What's up with Harry anyway? So I'm not going to give anything away cause you'll have to read the chapter to find out what's going on! :D

~There will  be a sequel!!!!! I'll post the name of it in an Author's Note after this chapter!~

I still need a name for you...comment or message your ideas or whatever...so I can call you guys something instead of 'fans' or 'guys' and stuff...:D

(sorry this epilogue kinda sucks and it's short, but I wanted to let you guys know what happened to Harry)

And I want to dedicate this to all the people who read this/ my readers/ fans cause you guys are amazing....and if I didn't have you guys for the support of this book thenit wouldn't have gotten far...and now there's a sequel! So you made this book possible. Encouraging me by voting and commenting and just reading it. even though I complain alot about only getting reads....it still mean the world to me to know I have people reading this. I love to write and I neer thought anyone would actually read this!

You guys are fabuLouis, phenomeNiall, extroadiHarry, brilLiam, and amaZayn!!!!

I loveee you guys! ...

((OMGGGG It's probably taken....but I can call you guys my stars or something XD....cause stars are pretty and unique...and beautiful...and they shine......never stop shining!!! :D))

Enjoy!!! <3




Love One Direction with a Passion!!!!! xx <3 :]


Harry's pov...

I woke up with an odd feeling of excitement. I blinked my eyes and looked around my room. I was...in my room? Where? I was just at the park! Proposing to Maggie!! What the heck!?

I sat up and slid out of my bed realizing I was just in my boxers from apparently going to bed the night before? Um...How did this happen? Was it a dream? No...

It was too real.

It was perfect.

I couldn't of just lost a girl that I fell deeply in love with through a dream? It was a dream? Heck. No. This is not happening to me? Something that real could not be fake. It wasn't just a dream. She has to be out there.

Maggie Nicole Hendson has to be out there.

I went over to my phone and unplugged it. The date...it was the day of our concert from last June...I mean this June...

Woah...Like a whole year went by in that dream. Or was it even a dream? It couldn't have been? But how did I end up here? Were the boys experiencing this whole thing too? 

I walked into my walk in closet and pulled on some sweats and my Jack Willis hoodie. I  shook out my curls and walked out. I grabbed my phone off the night stand again and scrolled through my contacts...no 'Mags(: xx' was in my contact list? Oh my gosh...I just lost the girl I tried to propose to in a dream...that lasted...or felt like a year...

I missed her...

Her beautiful brown, silky, wavy hair that she parted on the right side of her head. Her deep, clear, ocean blue eyes that you could get lost in. Her smooth, clean, angel-like face. Her curvy body that was curved in just the right ways and places. My girlfriend...my hoped-to-be fiance.

I'd never see her again? What if she wasn't real? All of it was fake? Only a simple yet detailed dream? I wanted her...so badly.

The thoughts continued running through my head like crazy. It was hectic...I could barely keep them organized...

What if she is real? What if she was out there living the life and didn't even have a clue I existed. what if she was a fan of One Direction?  What if she had the dream too?

What if the guys had the dream? Was I the only one? Am I going insane?

That's a possibility...

Did Louis have the same dream? Did he have feelings for her still?

She's fake! He doesn't even know her! She's a person in my dreams...stop being an idiot and accept that it was just.a.dream.

Nothing more...

Nothing less...

Just a dream?

Could it possibly be that I went through all that trouble in that dream to wake up to nothing, but regret?

I wanted to live in the fantasy world of my dreams because it was a heck of a lot better with Maggie around. She wasn't real though. So was this suppose to be just a one time thing? Would I continue to have dreams about her?

What if I've seen her before? No...I would have remembered...

She's real...she is definetly real. Something that detailed...so big...it couldn't of not been real. It is real. She's out there.

And you know what I'm going to do about it?

I'll find a way.

One way or another...

I'll find Maggie Nicole Hendson.

I'll find her...

Whether she doesn't know me or if she does it will leave  me answers.

I'll find her...

Even if it takes my whole career...

I'll find you Maggie. I love you...and I know you're out there.

But I promise you...

                                   ... I'll find you.

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