Chapter 14

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Yeahh Chapter 14!!! I have nothing better to do today, and writing makes me happy and keep my mind off things. So yeahhh! I have multiple ideas for this chapter, but I guess I will figure out what I want to do as I write. Heh...Well hope you enjoy the chapter. :]




Love One Direction :D


Maggie's Pov...

I heard my name and spun around right before getting into my Hummer. Oh.My.Gosh. This literally can't be happening to me. Louis. I'm still ticked at him cause he won't tell me why he's been acting so strange. I also still feel like crap cause of Lou and Haz's relationship. I can't help, but feel as if it's all my fault.

"Maggie!" Louis was standing in front of me with glassy eyes. He pulled his hood down off his head. Had he been crying? And his hair was a rabid raccoon had made a nest in it and left.

"" I couldn't make out the words I wanted to say. It was too hard. I thought this was my chance to get away from everything...but trouble still finds me.

Louis wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. I miss his hugs..."Mags, where have  you been?...Where are you?" He scanned the house with his eyes after pulling away from the hug.

"Um..." I scratched the back of my neck akwardly."This is my sister, Scarlet's house. She lives with her boyfriend. I've talked about ago. Like...when I first met you guys like 2 months ago."

"Oh...did you move into their house...?" I couldn't quite make out his expression, but it definetly wasn't full of happiness anymore. Good...that's how it's suppose to friends..

"No. Just...stayed a night or two." My thoughts trailed off to Harry. I just left him. "Why are you here?"

"Erm...I ran off..."

"Why? " Please tell me he didn't have an arguement with Haz. "Is Harry okay?"

"I don't know...I've been in my room for like two days straight. Then Zayn threatened to kick my door down...and I ran....out my window."

Really Lou? A window.  " and Harry...."

He looked down. "I don't know anymore. He's torn up about you and so am I. Please come back Maggie...I need-...we need you."

Was he about to say that he needed me? UGH! Louis I swear! What is up with all of your strange behavior lately?! Your stupid mess ups in your sentences!? Your not the Louis I remember when I first met you!

"I'm sorry..." Why'd he say he's sorry....SHIZ! I said my thoughts outloud again..."Yeah...yeah you did. Forget it. You can't understand. Just go back to Harry. He needs you." And with that note he turned around and started to walk off.

I grabbed his arm and jerked him back. "Louis! Please. Tell me what's up? It's killing me. I feel like I'm breaking you and Harry apart! I want to fix things, but alls I can do is make things worse! Please Lou...I need you."

He stared into my eyes as I rambled on. He listened to me...or tuned me out. I couldn't tell, but he was looking so thoughtfully into my eyes...why?  Why is he acting like this...

"Maggie. Go home. Don't leave again. Your not the problem. I'm the-I just...just Trust me..." He jerked away and walked off.

I felt like I was breaking. "Louis..." I mumbled through tears welling up in my eyes. "Please don't leave me like I left you guys... I'm sorry..."

He turned around again. He shook his head. "It's better this way." Then he walked off...and didn't turn around...

Louis! I screamed in my head. Tears ran down my face. Why couldn't I move or scream his name like I wanted to!? I wanted to run up to him and hug him. It wasn't his fault! This can't be happening...I've got to go back to Harry and work things out. I.will.fix.things.

I got in my Hummer and drove off i  the opposite direction of Louis. It hurt so was like I was leaving all over again. But this pain was just burning for Louis. What..? No. I just....that sounded I still need to seriously talk to Louis after I get things straightened out. Once everyone is together again I'll talk to him.

I drove for awhile and pulled up to their house. A car had followed me...Liam and Niall. They must of noticed the Hummer and saw me...considering I don't have tinted windows. They hopped out of their car and ran over to me. "Maggie!!! Where have you been? Why did you leave?"

"Is Harry inside?" I ignored their questions.

"Yeah. He's with Zayn...but-"

I cut Niall off. "I'll tell you once I get inside." I followed them inside. There was Harry...curled up with Zayn. It didn't bother me. "H-Harry.." I felt like I could barely breathe. I missed him so much..

His tuft of curls lifted p and he sprang off the couch. He rubbed his eyes. Lou and I weren't the only ones crying lately. "Mags?!?!" He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked me on the lips. " I missed you so much...Why'd you leave...? Have I done something wrong?"

"No..Harry no. " I buried my face into his chest. Just for a second I could feel happiness sweeping over me. Just being close to him made me want to smile. "I missed you too. I'm so sorry for leaving."

"It's okay...your here now." He pulled away slightly and smiled slightly. I could see the worry in his eyes. I motioned him over and I sat down in between him and zayn. Liam sat in the recliner and Niall sat on the floor.

"I have to tell you guys something...I found Louis. But he's not really in good shape...and he's just wandering. I ran into him at my sister, Scarlet's house. I left two days ago and stayed with her and her boyfriend. I was just about to leave this morning and Louis came running over to me. I don't even know how he had gotten there...perfect timing. Sorta...but anyway. He kept stumbling with his words, and it was like he felt like all of this was his fault. But I felt like it was my fault..."

"I was the one that treated Lou like crap, and then I kept staying with you. It's my fault. Not yours." Harry looked at me.

"No. It's my fault. I'm the one getting in the way. Screwing everything up like I always do." I sighed.

"It's none of your faults. We need to find Louis. Maggie, can you drive us to where your sister's house is at, and maybe that will help us find him since that's the last place anyone of us has seen him recently." Liam spoke up. I nodded. Harry nodded in agreement also.

"Once we find Lou we can all get this sorted out." Harry got up along with the rest of us. "First things first though...we have got to find Lou."


Hope you liked this chapter. I had to squeeze alot of other past stuff into it to tie it into some of the earlier chapters.

Where will they find Lou?

Will they even find Louis?

What will happen with all three of them?

When will Maggie realize why Lou is acting so strange...?




Love One Direction!!! :]

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