Would you?

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Now before we begin, answer me this:

Would you risk your life for five hundred dollars?

Be honest.

Would you put your sanity on the line for something so small? Think about it. In the end it will do nothing to change your life anyway. That money won't get you into college. It won't get you a nice mansion. It won't get you a husband or a wife. The most you could get out of that is one of those high tech toys we all love so much. Would you?

I hope your answer was no.

If you said yes, then I highly suggest you reevaluate what's truly important in your life. There was a time where I was like you and it did me no good, trust me.

It nearly ruined my life.

If your answer was no, then I applaud you. You're much smarter than I was, that's for sure. You wouldn't have made the same mistake I did. You will not be pulled in by the house.

Now before I get into some rant, I'm gonna tell you what I'm talking about. The story on how my life was ruined. How my arrogance and my lust for riches drove me insane and hopefully you'll learn something from me. And if you don't . . . well at least I tried.

I'll pray for your poor soul.

But enough of me wasting your time. I'm sure you have better things to be doing. So lets begin.

It all started on one beautiful day with my friends . . .

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